***The Official HTC One Thread***

Then enter in your WiFi password, email address, social network log-ins etc... but of course you knew all that anyway.

Why not just spend a few days getting used to the default apps and settings before you rush in to change anything you find really annoys you.
... and of course if you are offered a system or firmware update I would always go ahead install that, although other others might have different views on this one! :)
Just installed the latest ARHD 20.1 (with Android 4.3)!

Just been reminded how much of a chore it is to set up the phone :p

- Have noticed GSAM battery just keeps saying "check back later" rather than giving a predicted time till the battery runs out. Slightly annoying.

Is that 4.3 with a newer version of Sense?
Thanks dude. That's an odd one. Anything on the battery usage charts that point to a culprit?

Usually the battery stats say it was awake all night, either with screen on or off. It's not shutting down properly... guessing something's causing it to hang on shut down. But I can't figure out what. Only a few people having the same problem on the web and no-one has an answer :(
Seems they're keeping Sense 5 on 4.3, and it looks to be nearly ready for the end of this month:: http://www.gsmarena.com/android_43_update_for_htc_one_is_coming_this_month-news-6744.php

HTC America's president Jason Mackenzie responded to some questions on Twitter concerning the HTC One upcoming Android 4.3 update.

He says the Android 4.3 development for the HTC One is right on schedule and the rollout will start by the end of this month as promised. This applies for both the US and the EU HTC One units.

Update: To lend further credibility to the rumors, the following image was sent to us by one of our readers. It shows the HTC One running Android 4.3. Allegedly, the image was shot at IFA. Thanks for the tip, Daki!


It seems HTC will manage to seed the Android 4.3 update ahead of the competition. Samsung is supposed to bring that release to its 1H flagship in October, and Sony is yet to announce a schedule for the Xperia Z updates.
A quick check shows that is what i'm on. Doesn't appear to be anything new tbh.

But the stock ROM will have a lot more bloat in it, so there might be the odd new feature there :p
^iirc the 4.3 build in ARHD is probably an early release, so the final official release might be more up to date. But then again I'm sure ARHD will get an update then too.
i have dropped it multiple times. the casing doesn't have a scratch on it still. i have shattered the screen the last time i dropped it but is still doesn't have a scratch anywhere else. It's in a case now!
Dropped onto hard surfaces twice, some nasty scratches at the corners of the back, as well as the top left of the front.

I keep it in a silicone case now, protects the back and the front edges.
For those without cases, how easy does the back scratch when you put it down on surfaces?

Mines worse than if I hadn't had it in a case :( Official HTC Flip case, allows too much sand and grit to get in behind the phone and then scratches or rather pits the surface to make it look bad :(
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