***The Official HTC One Thread***


As for ROMs, no idea which one will give better battery life.

You must be a very heavy user then if you find it poor... Mine happily lasts a day with my usage... 2 days if I don't go out :p. Have you went into settings to disable some of the auto sync stuff you don't need? I find that can help.

Thanks. Have checked update settings and been quite aggressive with everything other than the work push email account . I'm also using nova launcher, would that make much of a difference?
Not really, I'm using Nova myself. The only thing I have that automatically syncs is Google contacts, calendar, keep, timely, firefox, bbc weather and my emails. Everything else I have sync off that only updates when I open the app. This is to ensure that my phone doesn't come out of the sleep state too much. I also have the screen on half brightness as that's enough for me.
Had this phone a while now, one slight thing bugging me.

Audio for music/ radio apps from the speakers is nice and loud, youtube however is quiet in comparison. Is there any reason for this? or is there an alternative to youtube?


Just updated to one of these phones from an iPhone! Mega happy with it, what ROM is everyone using? I'm using Sense currently and to be honest, I'm really enjoying the experience, I'd love to run Stock android though, does anyone know when KitKat will be released for it?
Just updated to one of these phones from an iPhone! Mega happy with it, what ROM is everyone using? I'm using Sense currently and to be honest, I'm really enjoying the experience, I'd love to run Stock android though, does anyone know when KitKat will be released for it?

For Sense no idea when kitkat will come.

But for the Google Experience ROMs it may come after a week or so.

I'm personally using Paranoid Android on mine. Mainly cause I love the ROM so much.
Just got HD Revolution installed on my HTC One, does anyone have the same error as me, when I boot up the ROM I get "Unfortunately Shoe Box engine has stopped " No idea what ShoeBox engine is and I can't uninstall it, Tried disabling it but doesn't change anything.
Just got HD Revolution installed on my HTC One, does anyone have the same error as me, when I boot up the ROM I get "Unfortunately Shoe Box engine has stopped " No idea what ShoeBox engine is and I can't uninstall it, Tried disabling it but doesn't change anything.

I run ARHD most of the time and have never had this issue. Was it a clean install or a dirty flash?
I get errors like those when dirty flashing the ROM.

I also tried the new ARHD 31/32 the other night and again, BT wouldn't keep a connection with my car. Gone back to 13 and it's all fine.

Hoping its not an Android 4.3 problem.
I have come to the conclusion that the battery on the HTC one is just awful, mainly because my dad got one a week or so ago and has the exact same battery life issues as me, both don't even use the thing a lot but it still drains stupidly quick, way quicker than an iPhone 4 or Nexus 4 (the two phones I had before)

It's literally the only bad point about the phone, everything else is brilliant! :)
I have come to the conclusion that the battery on the HTC one is just awful, mainly because my dad got one a week or so ago and has the exact same battery life issues as me, both don't even use the thing a lot but it still drains stupidly quick, way quicker than an iPhone 4 or Nexus 4 (the two phones I had before)

It's literally the only bad point about the phone, everything else is brilliant! :)

Can't say the battery has ever been bad on mine. Easily 5hours screen on time & a day total.

I'd be looking at some of the apps you have installed to be honest.
I have come to the conclusion that the battery on the HTC one is just awful, mainly because my dad got one a week or so ago and has the exact same battery life issues as me, both don't even use the thing a lot but it still drains stupidly quick, way quicker than an iPhone 4 or Nexus 4 (the two phones I had before)

It's literally the only bad point about the phone, everything else is brilliant! :)

That's weird I get better life out of my htc one that my iphone 4s and my mates 5.

Try enabling power saving mode, I can't tell any speed difference but should help quite a bit.

Usually only charge my phone every 3 days.
That's weird I get better life out of my htc one that my iphone 4s and my mates 5.

Try enabling power saving mode, I can't tell any speed difference but should help quite a bit.

Usually only charge my phone every 3 days.

Same here, my brother is getting really annoyed with his battery life and me with similiar usage last twice as long as him. You must have some parts of the phone set up wrong... or you're an ultra heavy user...
Is Revolution the preferred rom for the HO guys?

Fancy a change on mine, just want something slick but stable


I've been using Revolution for a while and its works fine, put the latest build on yesterday as I've been away and that seems to be stable. Has the new 5.5 sense and 4.3 so can turn off blink feed and a few other changes.
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