***The Official HTC One Thread***

Now you see why I would prefer to stick with Samsung :p

Okay, the camera isn't an integral part of everyone's phone usage habits but I can bet you my fine buttocks that when they do want to take a grand picture that the nicer it looks the more it wows instead of it being "just a picture for the random encounters folder" :)

Yup, it appears the ultra pixel gamble hasn't paid off, I've missed a decent camera on my phone way more than I thought I would when I bought my N4, camera has gone back to being key in my phone choice, Sammy's winning so far, clearly going by the photo's in this thread and many on xda.

I'm wondering whether Moto will put removable storage on the X.
IMO they made a mistake by trying out "new tech" on the flagship phone that the companies futures are basically pinned on. 4MP simply isn't enough, and they should have waited until the technology allowed 8MP as a minimum before releasing it. Best option would have been an improved and tweaked version of the HTC One X camera with 8MP. This camera will dissappoint a lot of people with (enthusiasts) and without (Joe Public) knowledge of how the technology works.

You cannot attempt to "re-educate people" on something like this unless your market position is strong enough to really take attention away from the big players. And then you have to factor in that most of the people who buy the phones don't want pot be re-educated and don't want to learn about why a lower MP camera is better... they just want something that produces good images at good size and detail. Samsung will provide this for them.

If HTC had added a MicroSD slot and regular but improved "non-ultrapixel" camera I think this phone would have been the undisputed sweetheart for the year. Alas, I predict this will not have the impact they were hoping for, despite being an excellent phone in almost all other respects.

You nailed it.
Looked what came to visit me this morning!


First impressions in short - a beauty! HTC have really set the bar when it comes to designing phones!

Must rush off and set it up! :)
Looked what came to visit me this morning!


First impressions in short - a beauty! HTC have really set the bar when it comes to designing phones!

Must rush off and set it up! :)

Looks gorgeous man, can't wait till it comes in my local shop so I can have a play and a feel. It's a beautiful phone for sure.
Some salt might be required here but there are a few rumours around that limited availability is due to difficulty in producing the ultrapixel sensors, with sub 30% yields. This could also explain the presence of seemingly faulty samples.


so wait its a rubbish camera and its messing the availability of the ONE.. what a fail.
More like the camera is actually good, but they can't mass produce them properly, and some faulty samples have been sent out in early retail and testing units which they shouldn't have been.
I think a 'fair' assessment would be that the camera isn't that bad per se, but they probably jumped the gun and the technology isn't quite there yet - both in terms of quality and mass production.
So what's the conclusion on the camera? Just skimming everything and seems to be okay in low light but not so good elsewhere?

My opinion, the HTC one has the best camera hardware in a phone yet (excluding the pureview) and that it has the "potential" to be the best, even better than the GS 4 camera overall as the GS 4 is just a bump in MP and using the same camera sensor as in the xperia Z, oppo 5 (and their photos aren't great), unless Samsung have added something else and worked wonders with the software.

There are some great images, average images and some awful images.

I believe that it is down to a hardware and/or software fault. The lumia 920 sucked when it was first released and with an update it improved vastly:



Lol, people still think the reason that the camera is bad is due to lack of MP........:o

Lets look at what "experts" in the photography field think, eh?




Amongst many more articles like that.

Their opinion will hold a lot more value over ours in that area, unless people here are all of a sudden an expert in what makes a good camera?

More to how good a camera is than just how many MP's there are and the rest of the camera hardware is as good as the lumia 920, if not better.

The funny thing is as well, the people who keep on hating on the camera seem to be ignoring all the good pictures and only commenting on the bad photos :rolleyes:



Anyone care to actually give evidence/thoughts backed up with some proof as to why the camera won't improve rather than just assuming it is bad?

And yup that is very possible reason why the camera is poor, not being able to mass produce them.

Either way HTC can't win, whatever it is, it has messed up their chance to do really well and as said the average joe is not going to be impressed with the "4MP" camera.

Nice one stoosh, look forward to hearing what you think! :)
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Lol, people still think the reason that the camera is bad is due to lack of MP........:o

No, lol at you for assuming that everyone who has a problem with the megapixels knows nothing about photography!

4MP has very little image size and detail for cropping, and I have cropped a LOT of my SGS III photos successfully, including a holiday to Thailand where the photos actually turned out great. The extra resolution was pretty much essential.

While the camera may perform well versus many traditional phone cameras (although not in so many situations from the looks of it), 4MP is NOT enough for anyone who wants to play with their photos more than the average muggins, and this is why many people and reviews have pointed it out.

Stop being a parrot, and accept that others may be looking at this objectively along with some prior knowledge of what they are talking about.
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Looking at the video of the HO and I'm still stunned that HTC can't fix their awful metering. Also why does it sound like it's recording in mono in the pocketnow video? The Note II did a great job with it's colour reproduction whilst the HTC colours just looked weirdly yellowish/rusty. Why HTC? Why spoil a potentially great device with, what I hope is, ****** camera software?
No, lol at you for assuming that everyone who has a problem with the megapixels knows nothing about photography!

4MP has very little image size and detail for cropping, and I have cropped a lot of my SGS III photos successfully, including a holiday to Thailand where the photos actually turned out great. The extra resolution was essential.

While the camera may perform well versus many traditional phone cameras (although NOT in so many situations from the looks of it), 4MP is NOT enough for anyone who wants to play with their photos more than the average muggins, and this is why many people and reviews have pointed it out.

Stop being a parrot, and accept that others may be looking at this objectively alon with prior knowledge of what they are talking about.

Yes as I have said before unless you:

- plan to crop/zoom in
- have a high res. monitor i.e. the res. of a dell 30" or macbook pro retina
- print photos out on large prints

Then the MP is very important but how many people really do that especially average joes? Not very many hence why HTC went the route they did, most people just down size and upload photos to twitter, facebook, forums, email them. Most people still have 1920x1080/1920x1200 monitors or stream the photos to their TV. I don't know of anyone that prints phone photos out........

I do find the lack of room to work with cropping etc. slightly annoying, however, personally not a "deal breaker" for myself as the rest of the camera software makes up for that.

But the point I am making is to not judge the camera when there is obviously something wrong with it given all the variable photos and mixed opinions, which going by this thread, many people are sadly.

Also, I didn't necessarily mean you when talking about the 4MP thing, meant other people who do genuinely seem to believe that it is the lack of MP which is the reason for it being a bad camera.
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Also, I didn't necessarily mean you when talking about the 4MP thing, meant other people who do genuinely seem to believe that it is the lack of MP which is the reason for it being a bad camera.

No worries mate I didn't think it was aimed at me at all, but I am tired of people making assumptions against anyone who is unhappy with the MP provided... and that imo the "megapixels myth" is only true to a point. With the advent of high resolution TV's and monitors that automatically brings the average Joe in contact with display sources that innately require enough resolution to stay sharp and detailed. And then if you want to zoom in or play around? Oops.

4MP just isn't enough, and I think Samsung have already proved on the SGSIII that a phone camera can deliver excellent and comparatively clean photos at 8MP with good detail and reoslution. The low light and night photos are also surprisingly good. It's just a great phone camera.

HTC are trying to reinvent or refine the wheel, but I don't think they have done a good or convincing enough job to pull it off for the reasons I described in the previous post. It's certainly not the visible revolution in phone camera tech that they would have people believe from the marketing spiel.
IMO Rich dog has a point re Nexus's opinion of the intelligence of the man in the street and his/her ability to use intelligent discernment in their choice of phone, we're all going to be doing the same thing when we make our choice googling comparisons and it doesn't much matter whether we come here, xda, yt, fb or just look at our mates pics.

The only reason I'm here is because I found excellent opinions and reviews while I was researching my Note and iirc briefly years ago when I linked here from aviforum while researching a TV, all my mates do the same to some degree, no matter your income £4/500 is a research worthy purchase.

If Samsung "win" brand loyalty and experience with S2&3 will play a big part along with headline benchmarks, fair or not, IMHO the ho is a good phone and HTC are moving the right way with "ultra pixels" perhaps they should have waited for Samsung to trailblaze as Sam can afford the financial hit from partial success whereas it could be make or brake for HTC.
4MP just isn't enough, and I think Samsung have already proved on the SGSIII that a phone camera can deliver excellent and comparatively clean photos at 8MP with good detail and reoslution. The low light and night photos are also surprisingly good. It's just a great phone camera.

I think 4MP is enough, if the camera is very good. But it's not, it's just an evolution rather than revolution.
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