So what's the conclusion on the camera? Just skimming everything and seems to be okay in low light but not so good elsewhere?
My opinion, the HTC one has the best camera hardware in a phone yet (excluding the pureview) and that it has the "potential" to be the best, even better than the GS 4 camera overall as the GS 4 is just a bump in MP and using the same camera sensor as in the xperia Z, oppo 5 (and their photos aren't great), unless Samsung have added something else and worked wonders with the software.
There are some great images, average images and some awful images.
I believe that it is down to a hardware and/or software fault. The lumia 920 sucked when it was first released and with an update it improved vastly:
Lol, people still think the reason that the camera is bad is due to lack of MP........
Lets look at what "experts" in the photography field think, eh?
Amongst many more articles like that.
Their opinion will hold a lot more value over ours in that area, unless people here are all of a sudden an expert in what makes a good camera?
More to how good a camera is than just how many MP's there are and the rest of the camera hardware is
as good as the lumia 920, if not better.
The funny thing is as well, the people who keep on hating on the camera seem to be ignoring all the good pictures and only commenting on the bad photos
Anyone care to actually give evidence/thoughts backed up with some proof as to why the camera won't improve rather than just assuming it is bad?
And yup that is very possible reason why the camera is poor, not being able to mass produce them.
Either way HTC can't win, whatever it is, it has messed up their chance to do really well and as said the average joe is not going to be impressed with the "4MP" camera.
Nice one stoosh, look forward to hearing what you think!