***The Official HTC One Thread***

Nah Nexus, I can't be dropping and damaging a phone that I pay anything over £300 upwards for. Even if it is a plastic toy like the GS3 :p

Thor had a lot to live up to compared to the Iron Man and Avengers films, even CA was naff still I have to watch every Marvel film in the cinema.

I've yet to test the audio on the phone, believe it or not I've just left it alone! Will do a thorough test of everything and get back to you, including the video request :)

I haven't messed around with the settings on the camera just keep dipping in and out of using it as I have visitors around and can't give it all my attention :(

I personally am pleased with the pictures though, they're good enough for me but I wouldn't take it on holiday. I'd use my DSLR for memories that I want to cherish for anything else though it's not a travesty as others are making it to be.

Here's some more pictures

Nexus 4 Low light no flash


HTC One Low light no flash



Just tested some music on the headphones and can say that it's better than the HOX and on par with the HOS and S3. I personally can't stand Beats and switched it off as it's bass orientated and not suited to the genre of music that I listen to.
Amazing the way the camera produce photos like that regarding the amount it lights up, pretty noisy though :( lumia 920 doesn't have anywhere as much noise in scenarios like that.


Could the dedicated image chip be causing problems?

Be interesting to see how stock android compares to sense when it comes to the camera as the dedicated image chip can't be utilised on anything but sense based iirc.

Stoosh, when you have time, could you try using a different camera app such as:




and then compare them to the stock camera app. iirc even just using a different camera app like the above, the dedicated image chip doesn't get used, not 100% sure though........

Also, be great to see how HDR does.
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From WSJ via xda
HTC CEO Peter Chou has promised to step down if the HTC One is not a sales success, insiders claim, a dangerous commitment given reports that component shortages have scuppered the original launch plans. Chou put his neck on the line in a meeting with senior HTC executives late last year, sources close to the situation told the WSJ, only to find that HTC had been downgraded as a customer among suppliers and would struggle to secure enough casings, camera components, and other parts for the new flagship.

That’s the word from an unnamed HTC executive speaking to the newspaper, blaming the company’s fluctuating demands for phone parts in previous years for leaving the supply chain wary. “The company has a problem managing its component suppliers as it has changed its order forecasts drastically and frequently following last year’s unexpected slump in shipments” the exec explained.

“HTC has had difficulty in securing adequate camera components as it is no longer a tier-one customer” they concluded. The issue around the One’s camera is somewhat ironic, given the UltraPixel technology – which includes a custom-manufactured 4-megapixel sensor built to HTC’s specifications especially for the phone – is part of HTC’s key marketing message.

The company had originally intended to have the One on store shelves by mid-March, but was forced to rethink plans shortly before the intended launch date. Third-party retailers and carriers began complaining that the arrival of their expected stock had been pushed back to the end of March.

Meanwhile, HTC remains upbeat about its ability to get the One out almost on time, albeit perhaps not initially in huge numbers. “We…are working tirelessly with all of our channel partners to ensure that we can fulfill as many orders as possible” CMO Benjamin Ho said in a statement. “We will start fulfilling pre-orders by the end of March in certain markets and will roll out to more markets as we approach April.”

Chou isn’t the only person at HTC finding the company’s struggles are affecting their employment. The company supposedly froze year-end bonuses in 2012, leaving some to speculate that the money was instead being earmarked for a push in marketing around the.

HTC stock lost 85% of its value in last 2 years apparently, IMHO if this phone was given an even playing field it could capture a respectable market share, however these supply and manufacturing problems and low ad budget are giving it an uphill struggle.

its such a huge and obvious fail from htc! i can't even get it in my head how do they manage it and how do these guys get to the CEO post in the first place!

put it this way, the phone has a lot over s4 and it could have been such a success if they simply included an sd slot(you cant say you dont want to buy one because of it) a simple working guaranteed to be in on time 8/13mpx sensor and release it end of feb.. bang on samsung would win in sales but htc would seriously somewhat get out of the hole they have been diggin them selves into..
I respect them for trying to do something different with the camera. If all you ever do is the expected last year +1 then sooner or later you are going to lose all your market share to others who are taking risks.

Could the dedicated image chip be causing problems?

Possibly, something's turning sections into a mushy mess. It could be software related (hopefully) but I'd still point to the lens, either from bad qq or a rushed design.
It must be tough without a huge camera division to lean on or have the financial clout to employ the best in the business like Apple (or Nokia in the past)
I have only gone and got the HTC One from three, should be arriving 28th March!

My mind was telling me no but my body, my body was telling me yeah :D
I respect them for trying to do something different with the camera. If all you ever do is the expected last year +1 then sooner or later you are going to lose all your market share to others who are taking risks.

Agree, however the figures are so bad and the cancellation of bonuses to fund marketing sounds desperate so sooner would be ok but there may be no later for htc:eek:
Right, sorry I haven't had the opportunity to submit some of my camera samples yet, being on nights is gay, but will get round to it soon, and do comparisons with my Xperia Z (which hopefully should go some way towards a comparision with the SGS4 if they share the same sensor).

However, other impressions so far:

Speakers- wow, best I've ever heard on a phone. BoomSound :cool:

The screen really is lush. Also the sensitivity of the screen is silky smooth, very subtly better than the Xperia Z.

HTC's keyboard really isn't as good as that of the Xperia- I've yet to try Swiftkey/JB yet.

Ergonomics- it feels pretty amazing in the hand, no question. However the aluminium and curvature makes it a bit slippy when shuffling it up and down the hand to reach for certain things, so I'm afraid of dropping it. Funnily enough, the plasticky-ness of the SGS3 makes for a better grip I think. But on balance, I'll take the aluminium any day! In terms of how it feels, the last phone I used which felt this good was my Nokia E71 (which was also awesome in general), and I suppose the iPhone 4 felt particularly solid too.

Power/volume buttons- I wish they protruded a little bit more, to give them a bit more travel, but otherwise fine.

Call quality- louder and slightly clearer than the XZ.

Battery life- very good indeed. Even with the Xperia Z with 'Stamina' enabled, it would lose a fair bit on standby. E.g I had the XZ with me last night and went from 100% down to 60-odd% by the time I got home, and that was only with occasional web browsing and a few texts. The HO tonight, left home with it only about 80% charged, it's down to 70-ish %. Obviously not a great test, but a very noticeable difference.

BlinkFeed: as mentioned, I presume this will be disabled with the use of an alternative launcher. For the time being though, I don't think you can disable 'auto refresh'. There is the option to either auto-refresh with Wifi only, or mobile data/Wifi. There is no 'off' option. Obviously for the first option it won't refresh unless you're connected to wifi, but I presume it means that some kind of process will always be running anyway, which sucks a bit.
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[TW]Fox;23972473 said:
Why do you have both a One and an XZ?

I originally got the XZ with a new contract, for a reasonable deal (with the pre-order headphones) and figured if I liked it I'd just keep it, but then the HO just seemed much better so I've got one SIM free and going to sell the XZ and the headphones.

^basically :)
Also random thought re the stupid 3 dot menu thing- why can't it at least be horizontal and therefore take up a little less room...

And a mention in favour of the HO camera- it seems to be a wider angle lens than most of not all the others, which is a big plus for me.
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Also random thought re the stupid 3 dot menu thing- why can't it at least be horizontal and therefore take up a little less room...

Reading between the lines, Google told HTC last minute they had to implement it this way, so this is a quick and dirty implementation so they can get it out of the door. I would expect a future update to address this in some fashion.

To be fair though, ALL apps should now updated to use the proper implementation as per the android design guidelines (I'm looking at you facebook!).
Reading between the lines, Google told HTC last minute they had to implement it this way, so this is a quick and dirty implementation so they can get it out of the door. I would expect a future update to address this in some fashion.

To be fair though, ALL apps should now updated to use the proper implementation as per the android design guidelines (I'm looking at you facebook!).

To be fair it is Googles fault, they should clamp down more on apps that don't meet design guidelines.
What's the best deal you guys found for this phone?

I'm tempted to just buy the phone and go with a sim only deal.
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