*** The official HTC One X thread ***

So after not being too impressed with the S3. I've opted to upgrade to the One X.

How'd i go about it? It's the first time i've come to the end of a contract but i have mobiles.co.uk calling me most weeks. Do i have the potential to get a better deal than what's listed on site because i'm upgrading?

Or if they don't offer me anything good enough can i just threaten to cancel my contract to go on this: http://www.buymobilephones.net/mobi...-Bonus-(24mths)-Internet-All-Rounder/13381238 ?

And then they'll either equal it with Orange or try to better it?

Sorry for the newbie questions. Any help is appreciated.
What do you make of the S3 Andy?

Tbh, for one reason and another I only saw about 20 minutes of the presentation. Looks a little too gimmicky and I'm rather disappointed.

The SII rather blew everything else away at the time, I don't think the SIII does that, but I'll have to wait until I get one in my hands I guess. It may be more to HTC's credit rather than the SIII being a bad device by any means. If the One X didn't exist, the SIII is probably much more impressive.
So i was getting bloody awful battery life for a while, I had cerburus installed, Uninstalled 2 days ago and id say my battery is much much better now.

Also using Android Revolution HD with the stripped Sense using Apex, Battery is very good now

Does that rom have the horrible three dot menus or has it got the remapped menu button? Whoever decided to mess with them button arrangement in ics was a fool!
I'm planning on ringing up and arranging my upgrade to one of these tomorrow. I can't make my mind up between the grey and white versions though. The white version seems to stand out a lot more than the grey, but I can't decide if that's a good thing. What did you guys go for?
I'm planning on ringing up and arranging my upgrade to one of these tomorrow. I can't make my mind up between the grey and white versions though. The white version seems to stand out a lot more than the grey, but I can't decide if that's a good thing. What did you guys go for?

White, I think it's infinitely better looking than the grey.

People seem to be divided 50/50 though.
Guys i'm loving my X but I have tried to convert my digital copy of cowboys vs aliens into wmv and itunes format and it wont play either? Dont tell me I've got to purchase a video converter to play movies on this phone. Even tried an avi tv show file and it wouldn't play it?? help!
Does anone get a realy high useof "mediaserver" in the battery stats? When im using Pocketcaster to play podcasts that app is only taking 9% for a two hour podcast but mediaserver has sucked 25% away,

What is it ? and does anyone else get a lot of battery sucked away with it when playing media?
Does anyone else have these issues that I'm having?I'm getting sense crashing on me about twice a day, some games such as osmos are having issues with finger input. Battery life differs everyday for some reason. And the phone gets sooo warm if I play a game for more than 2 minutes. beautiful widgets clocks won't update and just the home screen scrolling whdn I've the weather wallpaper is awful. Seriously thinking about getting it replaced. So many niggling issues distracting me from how good the phone can be.
Does anyone else have these issues that I'm having?I'm getting sense crashing on me about twice a day, some games such as osmos are having issues with finger input. Battery life differs everyday for some reason. And the phone gets sooo warm if I play a game for more than 2 minutes. beautiful widgets clocks won't update and just the home screen scrolling whdn I've the weather wallpaper is awful. Seriously thinking about getting it replaced. So many niggling issues distracting me from how good the phone can be.

Disabling Fast Boot and clearing Sense cache, followed by a reboot solved my sense crashing problems.
Does anyone else have these issues that I'm having?I'm getting sense crashing on me about twice a day, some games such as osmos are having issues with finger input. Battery life differs everyday for some reason. And the phone gets sooo warm if I play a game for more than 2 minutes. beautiful widgets clocks won't update and just the home screen scrolling whdn I've the weather wallpaper is awful. Seriously thinking about getting it replaced. So many niggling issues distracting me from how good the phone can be.

I have never had Sense crash on me. Actually, I've never had any problems with it at all.
Either it's faulty or you have an application you've installed that's not playing nice.

what's the cheapest way to get this phone at the moment? not currently tied into any contract (iphone 3gs contract expired last month) , would rather go down the giffgaff route should I get it.

thanks in advance
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