Guys i'm loving my X but I have tried to convert my digital copy of cowboys vs aliens into wmv and itunes format and it wont play either? Dont tell me I've got to purchase a video converter to play movies on this phone. Even tried an avi tv show file and it wouldn't play it?? help!
woot got 1.28 from t-mobile
Also how are people getting these free HD links? Considering my phone was a refurb replacement for my BB, will I stand any chance at getting one?
They were a pre-order freebie through Phones4U.
The lack of menu button is ICS standard.
I agree it's daft mind.
Yeah but Samsung had sense to include a menu button on the S3.
Is there only the 32GB option available? Or is there anywhere selling a 64GB model?
There is no 64GB model, it doesn't exist.
Well not really, having a menu button goes against what ICS is trying to do. Who knows it may even have some limitations with future versions of Android.
Going a day without the task switching in any way, I realised I actually use it a great deal, but yes, a menu button and hold home for task switching (which is how LeeDroid does it too) is much more logical.