Is that as simple as installing it from the market place? CBA to mess around with rooting flashing etc....
Yes, very simple.
Is that as simple as installing it from the market place? CBA to mess around with rooting flashing etc....
Ok, Apex is a lot better - the jitter when moving between home screens is a lot less noticeable (but still present). The only time I am getting some bad jitter is scrolling through widgets. Also like how this is like stock ICS!!
Will probably stick with this for a while, thanks Robbo
Two things though; all my icons/widgets have gone which is a bit annoyingand I remember reading a few pages back that the HTC clock widget does not work with Apex? And secondly, how do I change back to HTC Launcher
Seems my camera will not focus on anything less than 10 CM away, Even my mates g300 will focus, This means all the barcode scanner apps are not working for me, Hope its a rom issue and not a HW fault as my warranty is voided by unlocking the boot loader apparently
I've had some trouble with this, even when you select macro mode, which is a little disappointing.
I just sent my htc one x back for repair for the screen flex and squeeky noises.
Stuck with Three network on 1.28 and having bad battery, poor camera focus and gps....
Definitely will not buy a HTC phone in future in the first week of release....
I've had some trouble with this, even when you select macro mode, which is a little disappointing.
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2012-05-23 23:14:38
Statistic Type: (3) Since Unplugged
Since 6 h 42 m 29 s
BRAND: htc_europe
DEVICE: endeavoru
BOOTLOADER: 0.95.0000
FINGERPRINT: htc_europe/endeavoru/endeavoru:4.0.3/IML74K/62864.11:user/release-keys
HARDWARE: endeavoru
TAGS: release-keys
USER: unknown
PRODUCT: endeavoru
RADIO: 1.1204.105.14
Rooted: false
Other Usage
Wifi On (): 6 h 42 m 28 s (24148 s) Ratio: 100.0%
Wifi Running (): 6 h 42 m 26 s (24146 s) Ratio: 100.0%
Deep Sleep (): 4 h 13 s (14413 s) Ratio: 58.9%
Poor Signal (): 3 h 27 m 15 s (12435 s) Ratio: 51.5%
Awake (): 2 h 42 m 16 s (9736 s) Ratio: 40.3%
No Data Connection (): 1 h 31 m 6 s (5466 s) Ratio: 22.6%
No or Unknown Signal (): 1 h 31 m 6 s (5466 s) Ratio: 22.6%
Good Signal (): 40 m 27 s (2427 s) Ratio: 10.0%
Screen On (): 24 m 54 s (1494 s) Ratio: 6.2%
Phone On (): 2 m 40 s (160 s) Ratio: 0.7%
AudioOut_3 (1013): 20 m 39 s (1239 s) Count:27 5.1%
*sync*_gmail-ls_Account {name=jri*******************m,} ( 16 m 48 s (1008 s) Count:244 4.2%
Poweramp scan (UID): 15 m 9 s (909 s) Count:142 3.8%
WifiStateMachine (Android System): 9 m 16 s (556 s) Count:812 2.3%
NetworkLocationLocator ( 4 m 49 s (289 s) Count:316 1.2%
*sync*_gmail-ls_Account {name=jon**************m,} ( 4 m 24 s (264 s) Count:138 1.1%
AlarmManager (Android System): 3 m 28 s (208 s) Count:2051 0.9%
*sync* {name=jri*******************m,} ( 3 m 3 s (183 s) Count:67 0.8%
*sync* {name=jri*******************m,} ( 2 m 57 s (177 s) Count:74 0.7%
*sync* {name=jri*******************m,} ( 2 m 24 s (144 s) Count:6 0.6%
SYNCHRONIZED ( 2 m 8 s (128 s) Count:60 0.5% (com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity.Tapatalk): 2 m 6 s (126 s) Count:14 0.5%
GSM (Dialer): 1 m 40 s (100 s) Count:20 0.4%
GmailProviderProviderChangedBroadcastWakeLock ( 1 m 24 s (84 s) Count:61 0.4%
com.maxmpz.audioplayer.player.PlayerService temp (UID): 1 m 19 s (79 s) Count:19 0.3%
*sync* {name=jon*********a,} ( 1 m 16 s (76 s) Count:7 0.3%
SyncLoopWakeLock (Android System): 1 m 8 s (68 s) Count:3522 0.3%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android System): 1 m 7 s (67 s) Count:320 0.3%
GTALK_CONN (Google Services): 52 s (52 s) Count:1577 0.2%
[email protected]/android_talkab02600e9e2f (Google Services): 52 s (52 s) Count:1591 0.2%
*sync* {name=jon*******************m,} ( 46 s (46 s) Count:76 0.2%
RILJ (Dialer): 44 s (44 s) Count:730 0.2%
CheckinsNotificationService ( 39 s (39 s) Count:897 0.2%
*sync* {name=Wea***r,} (HTC Weather Service): 36 s (36 s) Count:40 0.2%
[email protected]/android_talka4064094afb8 (Google Services): 36 s (36 s) Count:14 0.2%
*sync* {name=jon*******************m,} ( 36 s (36 s) Count:109 0.1%
*sync*_mail_Account {name=Jon*******************************m,} ( 35 s (35 s) Count:100 0.1%
IdleScreen:command ( 34 s (34 s) Count:126 0.1%
*sync* {name=jri************************m, type=com.facebook.auth.login} (UID): 32 s (32 s) Count:6 0.1%
*sync* {name=Jon*******************************m,} ( 31 s (31 s) Count:438 0.1% (Google Services): 31 s (31 s) Count:139 0.1%
SyncManagerHandleSyncAlarm (Android System): 31 s (31 s) Count:3763 0.1%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 30 s (30 s) Count:4 0.1%
GpsLocationProvider (Android System): 29 s (29 s) Count:444 0.1%
Managewakelock: partial (com.handcent.nextsms.Handcent SMS): 29 s (29 s) Count:69 0.1%
*sync* {name=jon*********a,} (UID): 29 s (29 s) Count:38 0.1%
*sync*_mail_Account {name=jon*******************m,} ( 27 s (27 s) Count:409 0.1%
*sync* {name=jri************************m,} ( 27 s (27 s) Count:2 0.1%
DIRECTPUSH ( 27 s (27 s) Count:348 0.1%
Checkin Service (Google Services): 26 s (26 s) Count:249 0.1%
START_SERVICE ( 24 s (24 s) Count:258 0.1%
NetworkStats (Android System): 23 s (23 s) Count:230 0.1%
EmailServiceController_PWR_LOCK ( 23 s (23 s) Count:117 0.1%
*vibrator* (com.handmark.tweetcaster.TweetCaster): 21 s (21 s) Count:38 0.1%
StartingAlertService ( 20 s (20 s) Count:8 0.1%
NetworkLock ( 20 s (20 s) Count:387 0.1%
fullsync (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 16 s (16 s) Count:1 0.1%
*sync* {name=jon*******************m,} ( 16 s (16 s) Count:416 0.1%
ConnectivityService (Android System): 14 s (14 s) Count:2055 0.1%
StartingPopupUtilsService (com.handcent.nextsms.Handcent SMS): 13 s (13 s) Count:61 0.1%
*backup* (Android System): 12 s (12 s) Count:3896 0.1%
*sync* {name=Jon*******************************m,} ( 12 s (12 s) Count:402 0.1%
NetworkLocationPassiveCollector ( 12 s (12 s) Count:644 0.1%
NetworkLocationLocator (Google Services): 11 s (11 s) Count:266 0.0%
ScheduleServiceLock ( 11 s (11 s) Count:429 0.0%
LocationReportingService ( 10 s (10 s) Count:1420 0.0%
sleep_broadcast (Android System): 10 s (10 s) Count:485 0.0%
LocationReceiverService ( 9 s (9 s) Count:1164 0.0%
Camera Monitor ( 9 s (9 s) Count:66 0.0%
SMSDispatcher (Dialer): 7 s (7 s) Count:7 0.0%
SWITCH_NETWORK_MODE_WAKE_LOCK ( 6 s (6 s) Count:203 0.0%
*sync*_com.linkedin.android_Account {name=jri************************m,} ( 6 s (6 s) Count:1 0.0%
*sync* {name=jon**************m,} (Google Services): 6 s (6 s) Count:125 0.0%
LocationManagerService (Android System): 5 s (5 s) Count:3546 0.0%
*sync* {name=jri*******************m,} (Google Services): 5 s (5 s) Count:147 0.0%
GOOGLE_C2DM (Google Services): 5 s (5 s) Count:783 0.0%
NetworkLocationCallbackRunner ( 5 s (5 s) Count:639 0.0%
StartingAlertService (com.handcent.nextsms.Handcent SMS): 5 s (5 s) Count:66 0.0%
Event Log Service (Google Services): 5 s (5 s) Count:797 0.0%
IdleScreen:event ( 4 s (4 s) Count:177 0.0%
DownloadManager (Media): 4 s (4 s) Count:11 0.0%
*sync* {name=jon*********a,} (UID): 4 s (4 s) Count:36 0.0%
*sync* {name=Jon*******************************m,} ( 4 s (4 s) Count:269 0.0%
NLP PendingIntent client in ( 4 s (4 s) Count:1415 0.0%
*vibrator* (Android System): 4 s (4 s) Count:3885 0.0%
StartingAlertService (org.dayup.gtask.GTasks): 4 s (4 s) Count:9 0.0%
DP-Abort ( 3 s (3 s) Count:440 0.0%
SCREEN_FROZEN (Android System): 2 s (2 s) Count:722 0.0%
show keyguard (Android System): 2 s (2 s) Count:21 0.0%
*sync* {name=jon**************m,} ( 2 s (2 s) Count:7 0.0%
ScheduleNextAlarmWakeLock (UID): 2 s (2 s) Count:34 0.0%
BatteryServiceUpdateStats (Android System): 2 s (2 s) Count:708 0.0%
*sync* {name=jri*******************m,} ( Beta): 1 s (1 s) Count:38 0.0%
ActivityManager-Sleep (Android System): 1 s (1 s) Count:3935 0.0%
StartingAlertService ( 1 s (1 s) Count:6 0.0%
NetworkLocationCallbackRunner (Google Services): 1 s (1 s) Count:590 0.0%
keyguardWakeAndHandOff (Android System): 1 s (1 s) Count:3915 0.0%
PhoneWindowManager.mBroadcastWakeLock (Android System): 1 s (1 s) Count:367 0.0%
StartingAlertService (UID): 1 s (1 s) Count:4 0.0%
SCHEDULE:1 ( 1 s (1 s) Count:115 0.0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"PowerManagerService" (): 1 h 36 m 19 s (5779 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)1917/0/0 23.6%
"baseband_xmm_power" (): 1 h 19 m 30 s (4770 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)1488/78/0 19.5%
"deleted_wake_locks" (): 43 m 37 s (2617 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)35445/0/1485 10.7%
"AudioOutLock" (): 23 m 5 s (1385 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)11/0/0 5.7%
"alarm_rtc" (): 8 m 3 s (483 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)742/100/198 2.0%
"alarm" () 2 m 53 s (173 s) Cntc/wc/ec)1512/254/1 0.7%
"mmc_delayed_work" () 1 m 50 s (110 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)561/323/0 0.5%
"radio-interface" () 39 s (39 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)169/0/0 0.2%
"st_wake_lock" () 35 s (35 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)2/0/0 0.1%
"RXNET_DRV_MSL_WAKELOCK" () 25 s (25 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)174/0/0 0.1%
"HS_GPIO" () 12 s (12 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)6/0/6 0.1%
"HS_MGR" () 12 s (12 s) Cntc/wc/ec)6/0/6 0.1%
"htc_battery_tps80032" () 9 s (9 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)328/0/0 0.0%
"KeyEvents" () 6 s (6 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)10086/0/0 0.0%
"event2-275" () 2 s (2 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)257/4/0 0.0%
"vbus_present" () 1 s (1 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)1/0/1 0.0%
"usb_udc_lock" () 1 s (1 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)1/0/1 0.0%
"event8-275"1 s (1 s) Cnt
c/wc/ec)4/0/0 0.0%
"proximity" () 1 s (1 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)442/0/1 0.0%
"ApmCommandThread" () (0 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)172/0/0 0.0%
"RXNET_MSL_LISTENER_WAKELOCK" (): (0 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)111/0/0 0.0%
"port_list" () (0 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)19070/0/0 0.0%
"power-supply" () (0 s) Cnt(c/wc/ec)71/0/0 -0.0%
Alarms (requires root)
screenshot of the graph?
brightness level?
My guess is that the answer is in the 2nd picture. 41% of the battery gone on the display. Perhaps lower the brightness?
I have a HTC Desire HD and I use gmail a bit, but I've never seen 8% gmail usage though. Infact on mine now it's not even on the list so it must be very minor. Maybe some issue there? Unless you use it a lot.
If you find a fix let me know Andy