*** The official HTC One X thread ***

I've been experiencing a problem and I've no idea whether to send my phone back or not. Basically whenever I phone anyone the call quality is awful and really crackly, both at my end and theirs. I have full signal most of the time, I'm on O2 and their signal here is excellent. The people I'm talking to also say they've got good signal. I'm gonna try phoning some landlines this evening when people are in to see if that's any better.

Does anyone know if this sounds like a problem with the phone and should I send it back? It'd be a giant inconvenience - does anyone know how fast HTC's turnaround is, or would I be better taking it to an O2 shop?

Yeah it's good. Not fully activated/ported yet so obviously haven't used it for day-to-day stuff but most of it's setup how I like it.

- Screen is obviously a massive improvement over the DHD
- Camera is wider than the DHD but not as wide as the SGSII which is a shame
- The legacy menu button in most apps is really annoying due to no hardware menu button. I'd much rather have that than the stupid/useless switch apps button. Is there a way of changing what the hardware buttons do? Root I assume but would be worth it.
- Annoying about the position of the 3.5mm and USB jacks. Nobody I know puts their phone in their pocket the right way up because it's not natural so why put it at the top? Equally with the USB on the side it's going to look a right mess when charging and auxing at the same time (ie driving).
- The PIN unlock system is quite laggy/slow - anyone else experience this?

That's just from a few hours today but hopefully that's all the niggles I have :p
Can't seem to root using this method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1644167. Reboots etc but no root after.

Anyone have any idea or other guides?

You're not using the correct root tutorial as that one is intended for the U.S/Canadian version of the phone, use this one. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1577671

I reccommend you install the test version of CWM as they have fixed USB mounting.


And these two are the most popular ROMS. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1562603 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1587888
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No instructions on how to install CWM there! What guide should I follow for that?

Edit: One X not listed on HTCdev for bootloader either - is it already unlocked?
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I've got to the end of the "You need to flash in fastboot by using the command fastboot ..." etc bit but it's not rooting (ie SuperSU or anything else that requires root won't work).
1. Unlock Bootloader
2. Put the su.zip file on the phones sdcard, DO NOT EXTRACT IT, turn off Fast Boot in the settings (settings>power) and turn off phone, hold volume down and power to go into the bootloader if your phone is still connected to your computer it should say "fastboot USB" on your phone.
3. Flash CWM (fastboot flash recovery nameofrecovery.img) ("Recovery" will now appear in the bootloader after a restart, if not powerdown the phone and enter the bootloader again),
4. Flash su.zip file from inside recovery (CWM) (Bootloader>Recovery>"Install zip from sdcard">"Choose zip from sdcard">select the su.zip and it will flash, exit and restart the phone and you should have root.

If you're going to flash a custom ROM you don't have to bother with root as the ROMs are pre-rooted and just follow the instructions on how to flash your desired ROM after you have unlocked the bootloader and flashed CWM recovery.
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The guides can sometimes assume the follower has some expience in certain things, which is not great on the authors part.

TBH you have come this far you might as well install a custom ROM such as LeeDroid which has the button remap as standard, and some nice features such as drop down toggles in the task bar for wifi and such.
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Urgh, the guides are a stress sometimes. Like that one for example, "6. Grab my boot.img flasher". From where? The one link I can find in the posts he's made is dead.

Nevermind, found it.
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Right, installed LeeDroid fine :). Has all booted up after installation without me flashing boot.img though. What does that do/is it necessary? Everything seems fine.
Yes flash it, even though it may work you won't have the latest version of the kernal. Reset the caches as described in the flashing process after you do though as it may fail to boot else.
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