After having played with both apex and nova now, I have also ended up using apex as my primary launcher now.
- No matter what I did with the margins and grid etc. the widgets just didn't look quite right when compared to apex (using the same margins as well)
- the glow when you select a dock icon doesn't look as nice as apex either (not really an issue, but it annoys me.....
- when activating the shortcut for qbright on nova, the widgets reload (go blank and come up saying "LOADING" every time after a brightness has been selected (not a massive issue again, as they load instantly anyway), where as with apex the homescreen just goes blank for like a milli second after you choose a brightness mode
- It is good to have the app drawers back on nova, however, it looks so bland and rather unpleasant IMO when the app drawer is opened and no where near the look of go's app drawers, hope it gets improved
- At first I thought there was a lot more features than apex, however, now I am not so sure as after looking at pro version for apex, both seem to be more or less the same, nova maybe has a few more features
- In some areas nova is more polished than apex and in other areas apex is more polished than nova (after todays update)
So pretty much, they are more or less the same from what I can see.