*** The Official HTC Windows Phone 8X (Accord) Thread ***

12 Jul 2010
HTC china president told wpdang they are preparing for high end phone with bigger screen and it will hit the market by the end of 2012 or early 2013 :)
it could be HTC Zenith
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Oh great news, wonder if they are looking at all the comments from these launches and coming up with a new spec sheet. I hope so, it always baffles me, why companies don't seem to listen to tech sites and comments.
4 Oct 2008
Why? It's a pointless gimmick until it's more efficient and we have wireless power+data, now that would be worth something.

I love the idea really, it is not 100% usefully, but imagine in the near future where all phones have 1 standard, no need to worry about cables, I can just drop my phone and my gf phone on a charging pad and its taken care of.

Becuase I would find it extremely usefull. It's a well liked feature and if it hit a critical mass. Hotels, airports etc would get them fitted. Nokia has allready done a deal with some companies to fit chargers. Imagine if it was a wp8 feature across all phones and the collective power they would have to get companies to support it.

Yes this seems really good, I see a future were the tech is a lot better and is in most tables and so on, so whenever we set a device down on the table it will charge, would be amazing if it covers tablets, laptops, phones and so on.
18 Jun 2009
I'm REALLY stuck between this, the Lumia 920 or the Ativ S (Not much info about that out, though).

I have a Desire HD and ideally I wouldn't want a bigger screen than that; plus, I feel like the DHD is really heavy (less than 920, actually) and would be reluctant to go bigger - but everyone seems to be loving the 920 so I really am at a loss. My DHD 2 year contract is about to run out in October so I really don't know what to do! Ideally I'd love to go on a 1 year 8X contract but that would have an upfront cost or really high monthly price.

Any thoughts, guys? :)
4 Oct 2008
I'm REALLY stuck between this, the Lumia 920 or the Ativ S (Not much info about that out, though).

I have a Desire HD and ideally I wouldn't want a bigger screen than that; plus, I feel like the DHD is really heavy (less than 920, actually) and would be reluctant to go bigger - but everyone seems to be loving the 920 so I really am at a loss. My DHD 2 year contract is about to run out in October so I really don't know what to do! Ideally I'd love to go on a 1 year 8X contract but that would have an upfront cost or really high monthly price.

Any thoughts, guys? :)

Way I see it is the 920 has the best of the best, and the Ativ S is just samsung saying hey we have a phone too, it is all round a good phones but I would rather have the 920, it does have a good look and good battery life.

The 8X seems to be the best if you want something smaller, it is £399 PAYG which I would predict will start to fall in price around xmas.
18 Oct 2002
Any thoughts, guys? :)

Wait for the reviews and see which best matches your needs? I'm hoping either the Nokia 920 or HTC 8X (or whatever the top end unit is) work out to be a fair bit cheaper than an iPhone as it feels daft spending that much on a phone but at least the iPhone can hold its value.
2 Nov 2007
Becuase I would find it extremely usefull. It's a well liked feature and if it hit a critical mass. Hotels, airports etc would get them fitted. Nokia has allready done a deal with some companies to fit chargers. Imagine if it was a wp8 feature across all phones and the collective power they would have to get companies to support it.

By the time it's actually available outside of frist class lounges at airports you'll no longer have one of these phones.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
By the time it's actually available outside of frist class lounges at airports you'll no longer have one of these phones.

A) I would have it at home from the start
b) where do you think wireless charging is going to go, it's going to gain popularity and come on more and more devices.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Good god the htc 8s is only £225


8x £400

Another more common retailer also has the 8x for pre order for £399 with 8th of November release

What are the prices of these phones going to be in jan, are we going to see the same fall after release as we do with android.

I think these prices again confirm, we have not seen HTCs top end phone.
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