Me too. The system is broken.
The SNP will get 56 MPs with 5% of the popular vote. UKIP and the Lib Dems have less than 10 MPs between them and they have polled 20%+ nationally.
The system we have now encourages parties to focus on a geographical area using divisive politics. I expect to see much more of it unless we get electoral reform. It's no way to run a country.
SNP vote is concentrated, I've been saying for weeks that the UKIP and Lib dem vote is too spread out. Tories will have over 50% of the seats but less than 40% of the vote.
However the SNP have over 50% of the vote in Scotland, so you could argue that it's a correct result for them, it's the other numbers which are screwed a bit due to party support being very spread out.
Heck look at NI, DUP have 44.4% of the seats on 25% of the vote.. Why focus on Scotland when it's arguably the only area of the UK with a representative outcome?