I'm sorry but I haven't the time to write a proper reply. If you or others are interested I'll leave this here:
That video is a lovely history lesson that doesn't address the fact that the NHS is facing a completely different problem to when it was created.
Thats like saying to a 5 year old "you can calculate 2 + 2 so apply that to some trigonometry".
Her talk is very idealistic but it ignores the fact that we cannot support an unhealthy population that lives longer and has access to expensive and advanced medical care that can keep people alive at great expense who would otherwise have died 50 years ago.
The NHS will not die. It won't be allowed to, however I think it will more towards more of a core care based system where you will have to pay to get the best care. Its sad that this has happened but don't blame "the man" for this, blame the people of the UK who have been unnecessarily costing the NHS more money all the time on completely preventable issues.