I didn't come from a wealthy family or anything like that. My parents divorced when I was a kid and I was forced to live with a man I despised and who in some cases was violent towards me. I used that to make myself a better person and I worked hard at school, college and work to ensure that when I have my own family, I can provide everything I can.
People need to stop blaming the Government for all their problems. Only you can change the way you live by working to better yourself be that by getting a better job, going back in to education and growing yours skills that way.
Whilst I can't really criticise the general point you're trying to make - it isn't as simple as 'if I can do it anyone can'.
Should we all be billionaires? Because if someone can do it we all could? And the only reason we're not, is because we're just too lazy to try?
Opportunity arises in many guises, some people will make the right decisions and reap the rewards, others may spend years working equally as hard, but for whatever reason their life decisions turn out to be less well rewarded.
Likewise, you may have put in a lot of hard work to get where you are now and fair play to you. But you did this in a country where we're all (mostly all) given the opportunity to get a decent education. But when you start to offer more opportunities to those who 'have' and those who 'haven't', then it becomes more and more difficult for people to 'just work hard' and make something more of their life.
I don't at all buy into this 'I voted Conservative, because I believe in rewarding hard work'. At lot of people in here seem to be of the opinion that by voting conservative, they are a better class of person, because a vote for the conservatives is a vote against the lazy scrounging chav scum.
And for reference, I'd actually say that I've done pretty well over the last few years too, mostly through hard work. So you can put me in the 'I'm alright jack' camp too, but that doesn't mean I can't see the bigger picture - where the gap in opportunities for those who have and those who haven't, will undoubtedly get bigger and harder and harder to bridge. But maybe I should just think of myself and count myself to be lucky to be on the right side of that gap just now?!