Poll: The official I voted/election results thread

Who did you vote for?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 518 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • Labour

    Votes: 241 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 99 7.5%
  • Didn't vote / spoiled ballot

    Votes: 136 10.4%
  • Other party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 67 5.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 158 12.0%

  • Total voters
Voted on my way home from work, total waste of time mind as my area is so mind numbingly tory you could pin a blue rosette to a dog turd & it would still get voted in.

more spending on education -> better educated people -> higher productivity -> increased exports

better infrastructure -> more productive people and business -> increased exports

I could go on all day

Is this how you actually think the world works?

Pouring millions of pounds into giving people degrees in social studies, does not lead to higher exports. Hiring tens of thousands of 'diversity' and 'equal opportunity' managers, does not lead to increased exports. Building absurd vanity projects such as the 'Millennium Dome' does not lead to increased exports. Throwing welfare money at people so they never get a job and exist purely on state handouts, does NOT lead to increased exports.

Yes, spending money wisely can lead to all sorts of benefits. But spending it as wastefully as Labour do, does not. And putting up taxes rarely leads to higher exports.

But then why do I even waste my breath (well, fingers) on you? You are so deluded you think UKIP are far-right. You're beyond ignorance.
Right. Off to the polls I go where I'll be voting...


Last minute change of heart. The local paper swung me.

Labour candidate Kate Godfrey: "People feel what has been happening in our town over the past five years has been so unfair and nothing gets to people more than a sense of being treated unfairly. If it isn't the hospital, it's the university leaving, if not that it's the children's centres closing, if not that it's HS2. The Tories have given up on Stafford."

Now, I know our current MP fights hard for the hospital, improvements have been made and services are returning. I know he fought hard to keep the University (which is ultimately a private enterprise, Ms Godfrey couldn't have stopped it leaving either). And I know Labour won't stop HS2. Ultimately, she's fought her whole campaign on the four points from that quote and the only one that could change with her election is the closing of children's centres. I feel her campaign has been a negative one, with no on how to how to improve things going forward.

The current MP has worked hard for the town. He's been good at attracting investment, bringing businesses and jobs in to Stafford. He set up a charity in 2010 to help connect people with suitable employers and jobs. He has fought hard to save the hospital from closure and restore services gradually. I'm not about to vote against him on national sentiment alone, not when his closest rival candidate represents everything I despise about politics.

wow! Respect!
UKIP voters, look away now

The latest polls are about the lowst yet for UKIP, may2015.com 5 day average of polls is 12.6%

Yesterdays polls are:
Lord Ashcroft: 11%
Ipsos MORI 11%
Populus 14%
ICM 11%
BMG 12%
TNS 14%
Opinium 12%
YouGov 12%
Panelbase 16%

Average = 12.6% like the 5 day average.

An important point though is that the online polls consistently put UKIP at a higher voter share, likely some very shy kippers about.

The long downward decline since October has continued but at a much slower place over the last few weeks. There does appear to be a recent drop as people swing back to the big parties.
The interesting thing will be whether the online polls are more reflective of the final vote. In which case UKIP will do much better, but they may not get many more seats. The seats they do get will most likely be from the Tories

Is this how you actually think the world works?

Pouring millions of pounds into giving people degrees in social studies, does not lead to higher exports. Hiring tens of thousands of 'diversity' and 'equal opportunity' managers, does not lead to increased exports. Building absurd vanity projects such as the 'Millennium Dome' does not lead to increased exports. Throwing welfare money at people so they never get a job and exist purely on state handouts, does NOT lead to increased exports.

Yes, spending money wisely can lead to all sorts of benefits. But spending it as wastefully as Labour do, does not. And putting up taxes rarely leads to higher exports.

But then why do I even waste my breath (well, fingers) on you? You are so deluded you think UKIP are far-right. You're beyond ignorance.

Don't forget HS2 :)
I would have thought in a democracy the people would have been allowed to vote on whether they should join the EU in the first place.

I don't think you understand what a democracy menas. You vote for parties, the parties make decisions. Otherwise there would be all sorts of chaos, everyone would vote for paying no taxes yet increase spending massively for whatever project they like, any minority group (the rich, the poor) would be heavily targeted. Society would quickly fail.

People can't make educated decisions on matter that they are both not trained in and don't review the evidence.
Originally Posted by cupidstunt View Post
I would have thought in a democracy the people would have been allowed to vote on whether they should join the EU in the first place.


No surprise his username is an anagram of stupid c... er you get the idea!

Apologies if that breaks any sweary rules. Delete if so!

Edit. Also yes I voted.
Dunno why he's bothered he doesn't even live in the uk, he should be at a baseball game or something not stuck in his pc room :D

I bother because:
I am British and it is my right, indeed perhaps even my duty, to vote
I care about Britain and don't like the way it is heading
I want a Britain that I would be happy to move back to and contribute to again
I have family in Britain and I don't want them to to live in the dystopian future some wish upon the country
I want the world to be a better place, and part of that is having a beter UK government.
Mentioned to a colleague at work I'd not voted and if I got around to it I was going to spoil the ballot and she went right off on one about how everyone should be forced to vote for a party and then gave me the cold shoulder the rest of the day lol :S
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