Poll: The official I voted/election results thread

Who did you vote for?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 518 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • Labour

    Votes: 241 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 99 7.5%
  • Didn't vote / spoiled ballot

    Votes: 136 10.4%
  • Other party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 67 5.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 158 12.0%

  • Total voters
Does anyone know how its supposed to be? - talking to a couple of people living in outlying parts they claim they only had the option of voting for either the Lib Dem or Labour representative for this area and that was that for both local and general. (In town we had a whole raft of options).
Polls were probably closer because people don't usually like admitting voting Tory.

Only good thing left to come from this is for Shouty Man to lose out in South Thanet. That would be hilarious and pretty much put him back in his box and he can then **** off back under the same rock Nick Griffin crawled out of.

No matter what you think of him, you really cant bracket him with Griffin.
Can someone explain why we can't have a popular vote system? Everyone votes and the party with the most wins? It would seem to me to be the fairest way to reflect voter intent.

Ultimately the problem is that such a system would lead to a hung Parliament every election, given you'd end up with 3 or 4 big-ish parties polling 20 to 30% each, you'd very rarely get 50% or more to form a single government.

That said, that is only really a problem in itself because our government works on a system where one party proposes something and instructs all it's members to vote yes whilst the opposing parties vote no. If MPs all just voted for what they actually thought themselves then the whole party system would be irrelevent and it wouldn't matter, you'd just need to elect a sensible local MP from any party at all and trust that they voted sensible in the House.
Does anyone know how its supposed to be? - talking to a couple of people living in outlying parts they claim they only had the option of voting for either the Lib Dem or Labour representative for this area and that was that for both local and general. (In town we had a whole raft of options).

Well that is very suspicious, someone posted earlier that on some voting papers, they were missing candidates due to some IT error.
What's quite interesting is that on the OCUK 'Voting Intentions' thread, the UKIP were constantly polling higher than the LibDems until today. Just goes to show that what people think they're going to do, change when they stand in the voting booth.

They're still polling higher than the LibDems, i presume you mean Labour?
I was close to not voting but labour would benefit me the most. My biggest issue with the tories is the "Rich get richer, poor get poorer" mantra they seem to follow. Cutting the welfare budget to critical levels whilst giving millionaires and businesses tax cuts, all whilst not closing any loopholes in the business tax system. Terrible party with an arrogant leader. The average joe is going to get shafted big time if those Tory clowns get in again.

Thing is (if the exit polls are to be believed) the average guy has benefited under the Conservatives otherwise people wouldn't be voting for them.

I can understand your point of view but the poor don't get poorer. Or if they do it doesn't last long. The last Labour government had an unsustainable economic model, to balance that out some harsh decisions had to be made.

Keeping big business and yes the millionaires that run it in the country is absolutely critical to keep us afloat as a nation. Driving them out would devastate us, we need the companies creating jobs and giving people work to STOP the poor getting poorer and into jobs.
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