My iPhone 4S now displays EE instead of Orange.. Explain?
Orange and T-Mobile have merged into Everything Everywhere? Been pretty widely reported that it's happening.
I see. I thought they have been combined now for ages or is just EE the name only?
This update is rubbish, they've taken away google maps and added some half baked app which restricts features to the 4s and 5.
They've added another undeletable app which I don't want.
It seems a little slower than previously.
I still can't fast scroll to the bottom of an internet page without retardedly flailing at my iPad or a few seconds.
I still can't fast scroll to the bottom of an internet page without retardedly flailing at my iPad or a few seconds.
You've been able to fall back to one or the other network for some time now, this is more of an official naming thing and in preparation for their 4G LTE launch.
You can still add google maps as a direct web link so makes little difference. You benefit from the 3D features of Apple's maps and can retain an almost identical google maps mobile site.
Just hide any app you don't want in a folder? Hardly a massive deal.
Most webpages aren't THAT long... the only thing I ever notice it on are forums.
Ios 6 added a lot of new features - don't see what's bad about that.
Oh and its noticeably faster here.
Im having similar problems with my iPad 3,
No Lock Sounds
No Notfication Sounds.
Tried a restore and eraseing content with no luck.
I just got the same, then discovered that my iPhone number was ticked again (user busy because you are effectively calling yourself). However, facetime does not work for me over 3g between iPhone4 and New iPad. I get the message that i need to connect to wireless. Maybe this function is only 4S and above?
BBC News, NY Times and even the Apple-pandering Mashable are all utterly laying into Apple for the new Maps app.
I wonder which is more beneficial for Google. Release their own Google Maps app or just let Apple suffer?