*** The Official iPad (Early 2012) Thread ***

Ive owned a 3GS for quite some time and also a works iphone 4, I now have a Samsung Galaxy S2, the apple products suffer more crashes...

That's the exact opposite of what I've experienced... I've had 2 4s, 1 3g, 1 original, 2 ipad 1s and 2 ipad 2s.

I've also had a galaxy tab, galaxy s2, htc desire and the original google one (name escapes me).

In every case, I've found the iOS devices to require less fiddling.

Its another hard one to answer properly, you have only 1 ipad 2, there are many android tables, and IOS isnt as good an OS as Android on Tables, IOS5 was never designed for it where as android is (its the other way round for the phones though).

Actually... as above... I've had quite a few more than that & I currently own two... the gf uses one of them the most and I use the other.

Have to agree with you here, the App store from Apple is better than Androids, give it 2 years though and if Google sort their act out and provide a good security screening before releasing the apps, Apple will be in trouble.

I hope so... but I was expecting something similar 2 years ago when I had my HTC Desire.

You understand that the latest screens that Apple have "purchased" for the Ipad 3 came from Samsung, who have already superceeded "that" screen with a better one (it should be available on the new Galaxy tab which should be seen at mwc, that will be game on ;)

I look forward to that, very much :) I'm happy with any advance, no matter the manufacturer.

Well it will be very close between the Samsung Galaxy tab and the Ipad, even with the current offerings, the 10.1 runs the ipad 2 very close if not beating it in quite a few areas.
Next month will be interesting :D

Despite the hardware, android still lacks that mass-market appeal... I really want this to improve as competition drives the market forward at a much quicker pace.

Top end v top end tabs at the moment, nothing in it, find both apple and samsung very responsive to touch.

I'm not saying the difference is massive & yes... other implementations are good.

I just find on non-apple devices I get more missed keystrokes and activate the wrong key more frequently. I can type at a rate that surprises even myself on ipads in landscape view... the layout and response suits me well.

Apple have been trying to kill flash off for years, its a pain but its still out there, most things still use it, was always a self hit for apple imho, it will go but not just yet.

You say that as if it's a bad thing... flash is an outdated platform that uses too many resources for what it can do, so is nothing more than a battery drain over other ways of doing things. It's rare that I'll come across a website that won't display well on an ipad... part of that is due to device-specific coding, but part is due to the ongoing demise of flash.

Of course when I do want to view a flash based site, that is a little frustrating... but it seems so rare and minor that it hasn't skewed my opinion.

True, but some slots should now be meeting an industry standard, lets hope Apple listen to that.

But again, it's subjective as to what could be considered industry standard. In my mind it would be nothing more than a useless dust hole. For others it could be useful, I *think* the minority would actually take advantage of it - not the majority. And the option to purchase a 3rd party adapter is there. So I certainly wouldn't class it as an issue - even if you want the feature. I can also see why they've done it this way besides presentation of the device - I believe they get a licensing fee for anything that uses the universal dock connector?

I wont call you a fanboi but there is and has been some decent competition for a good year in the tablet market, ICS (from what we have seen) mops ios5 up, Apple need to take some notes from Carlsberg, IOS5 sucks on the ipad :(


PS, having played with an Ipad 2 and a Galaxy 10.1 together, the Galaxy 10.1 was the better of the 2 devices, its just that Apple's fan base means that people have that brand loyalty and buy Apple, simple as.

I certainly wouldn't say any brand loyalty swings me towards Apple... I've tried various things & owned various things... whenever I've owned a non-apple device (in this and the mobile market space)... I've always longed to return to an apple device.

For me personally - even if I thought the devices weren't the best available, I would likely still purchase one thanks to the app support which is the real swinger for me.
Is there a typical apple user? Is there an Apple mindset?

Yep, there seem to be two, the loyal user who seems almost unaware and denies that competing products even exist and then users which seem to think the ease of use is an Apple only thing, it's not.

I like the fact my wife can pick up an apple product and use it

You can do the same with Android and Windows mobile devices, interfaces are a bit different but ease of use is much the same, most users are just used to iOS.

That said customization is a big thing with Android so users can obviously change this, but the default interface is very easy too use.

I have looked at lots of other tablets, but value for money wise little comes close to an ipad, plus it will integrate with my other apple hardware, such as my appletv, mac server and airport express / extreme. So there you are, a little peek into the mindset of an apple user.

I fail to see how the ipad 2 is the best value,the 32GB version is going for around £479 which is simalar to the Asus Transformer Prime which has more features and comes with a Keyboard dock.

The Dual Core Tablets like the Acer A501 or the first Asus Transformer go for around £325 and offer some more features with simalar performance.
snip.... its just that Apple's fan base means that people have that brand loyalty and buy Apple, simple as.

This really.

Apple make products, in my mind at least, that are about taking technology to the masses. As some alluded to above, Apple package products brilliantly, making them attractive, both in function and form. SimonR provided insight into the thoughts of a typical Apple user, but the key thing in his paragraph was his wife and her thoughts - ease of use in a nutshell. This is where Apple win.

We, here on OcUK, are of a demographic that consider the underlying technology of a product far more than the average user. The fact that Apple don't have all the possible features on the market can cause uproar and rage, with people shouting about how they are duping the consumer with their shiny casing and beautiful marketing.

"Geoff, in the tech department, loves his Generictab2.01x because it allows him to surf pages 0.5ms faster, utilising it's latest quad processor with hyperdrive capability. Geoff just doesn't get why Jeremy, at the local investment bank, ponces about with his iPad, guffawing with all his cronies on their iPhones and Ipods. Geoff also thinks Jeremy is a money grabbing toff, who owes the taxpayer millions, but that's another story..."

Patronising story aside, it kind of makes the point - most people don't care about the 0.5ms. Most people buy the iPad because it does things very well, it meets their needs and it is pretty and fashionable. It's cool.

The tech argument can be linked to PC users, the majority are happy with their core 2 duo, 4gb RAM, 5400rpm 1TB drive desktop. It stores photos, kids can do their homework on MS office, Dad get's his emails on outlook and everyone's happy. Oh and they bought it from PC world and the kids game on xbox/ps3. Most of the guys/gals on here run far higher spec PCs for gaming, encoding etc. We are more acutely aware of the tech and are more likely to analyse the competition and argue about Apple.

When you also consider that Apple as a company, is perceived to be innovative and a producer of state of the art technology, they are really only fighting themselves. Their brand is monumental and 99% of their consumer base just don't analyse what they are missing, only what they are being offered.

So anyway, I ramble a lot, sorry
Yep, there seem to be two, the loyal user who seems almost unaware and denies that competing products even exist and then users which seem to think the ease of use is an Apple only thing, it's not.

You can do the same with Android and Windows mobile devices, interfaces are a bit different but ease of use is much the same, most users are just used to iOS.

That said customization is a big thing with Android so users can obviously change this, but the default interface is very easy too use.

I fail to see how the ipad 2 is the best value,the 32GB version is going for around £479 which is simalar to the Asus Transformer Prime which has more features and comes with a Keyboard dock.

The Dual Core Tablets like the Acer A501 or the first Asus Transformer go for around £325 and offer some more features with simalar performance.

So you're never going to accept software, design or polish as a good reason for liking a product?

The Transformer Prime at the moment is like the best possible PC money can buy, but it can only run Linux.

The iPad 2 is more like a high end PC, but it can run Windows - giving you a vastly superior software experience and better available software in general.

Maybe you'll understand that (though I suspect not, deliberately).

So anyway, I ramble a lot, sorry

You've made some fair points there (as to how certain technology is perceived) but you quoted something which is entirely incorrect. Apple aren't only about brand loyalty and their 'fan base'. I'd say most people here are more knowledgeable than your average consumer when it comes to technology, and loads of people here have an iPhone/iPad.

As someone who owns a lot of different mobile devices, I personally consider the iPhone 4S to be the best all-round phone. You can of course make the case that Android is more capable as a software platform, and it can do more, but at a cost.

In the real world (where a lot of people here don't seem to live), user experience is king, and nobody does that side of things better than Apple. It's incredibly simple to understand if you think about it.

This isn't really a thread for discussing these things anyway, it is about the iPad 3.
wrong quote, or perhaps my interpretation of it was just different :)

Anyway, iPad 3 - I'm getting one.

The only thing that's a pain is having to wait until 7 March to find out more and then wait for it to be on general sale.
The only thing that's a pain is having to wait until 7 March to find out more and then wait for it to be on general sale.

I just pray thats sooner rather than later as i've just sold my iPad 1 and have taken a punt on them releasing the 3 soon after the announcement.

Will be a pain in the rear to be without one otherwise as I use mine a lot.
So you're never going to accept software, design or polish as a good reason for liking a product?

The Transformer Prime at the moment is like the best possible PC money can buy, but it can only run Linux.

The iPad 2 is more like a high end PC, but it can run Windows - giving you a vastly superior software experience and better available software in general.

Maybe you'll understand that (though I suspect not, deliberately).

Do I accept it's your reason for buying an Apple product? Of course I do because it's your opinion, doesnt mean I Agree with you though.
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It's your opinion that iOS is better, not mine, I don't like the interface on iOS and you can't customise it at all, software wise Android and iOS are fairly even accept Apple limit what you can do allot more, also iOS appears to crash more reports I've seen.

iOS has more applications availablebut the gap is closing, but I've said this already.

Where did I say I thought iOS was better? :confused:

As for the crash reports, there is no argument to be had about this, Android has far more stability issues.
Where did I say I thought iOS was better? :confused:

As for the crash reports, there is no argument to be had about this, Android has far more stability issues.

Just edited that post, your right you didn't say that directly.

But how can you say Android has more stability issues when it was shown recently that iSO crashes more oftern? They both crash, can you just accept that and stop with these baseless claims already.
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crinkleshoes writes..... Also... the main computer I use is my work laptop which has a 15.4" screen with a 1920x1080 resolution... a noticeably smaller pixel size than the likes of the ipad2 and something I've become accustomed to. I would even prefer a resolution higher than that on the same size screen.

Seriously I feel your pain. I cannot imagine having to use anything less than a 20" screen as my main computer. That is the reason I could never have a Laptop as my only computer. Yes I know you can link them up to external monitors and keyboards etc. but why would you bother. If you go to all that trouble you may as well have bought a Desktop in the first place. Mind you I have had to put in a permanent fix for my iMac to increase font sizes due to screen resolution e.g. NoSquint for FF set at 130%. I hate tiny fonts, I just end up with headache.
Seriously I feel your pain. I cannot imagine having to use anything less than a 20" screen as my main computer. That is the reason I could never have a Laptop as my only computer. Yes I know you can link them up to external monitors and keyboards etc. but why would you bother. If you go to all that trouble you may as well have bought a Desktop in the first place. Mind you I have had to put in a permanent fix for my iMac to increase font sizes due to screen resolution e.g. NoSquint for FF set at 130%. I hate tiny fonts, I just end up with headache.

Actually exactly the opposite... I want smaller text / to be able to fit more on the screen.

This is my work laptop, not something I had a choice over - but you can't currently get a better (smaller) pixel size in a laptop to the best of my knowledge... maybe a slight difference.

I want an even higher resolution!

My personal desktop computer has a Dell U2711 27" monitor with a 2560x1440 resolution... Whenever something comes out with a higher resolution (ie smaller pixels/text)... it will be replaced.

Multiple monitors are also extremely useful when you have a job like mine, as is the screen real-estate (number of pixels) ;)
Yes I know you can link them up to external monitors and keyboards etc. but why would you bother. If you go to all that trouble you may as well have bought a Desktop in the first place.

Because then you can work on a 27" external screen and when you need to go visit a client, go away for the weekend, want to work on the sofa you can pull a cable out and go do it. No making sure you have all the files you need, all the software licensed for both, all your setting synced. Just grab the same machine and go.

I think you've got to need serious workstation level power to make a desktop sensible these days. We just replaced everybodies machines in the office with laptops, docking stations and screens...I've yet to hear any complaints at all.
Seriously I feel your pain. I cannot imagine having to use anything less than a 20" screen as my main computer. That is the reason I could never have a Laptop as my only computer. Yes I know you can link them up to external monitors and keyboards etc. but why would you bother. If you go to all that trouble you may as well have bought a Desktop in the first place. Mind you I have had to put in a permanent fix for my iMac to increase font sizes due to screen resolution e.g. NoSquint for FF set at 130%. I hate tiny fonts, I just end up with headache.

Because then you can work on a 27" external screen and when you need to go visit a client, go away for the weekend, want to work on the sofa you can pull a cable out and go do it. No making sure you have all the files you need, all the software licensed for both, all your setting synced. Just grab the same machine and go.

I think you've got to need serious workstation level power to make a desktop sensible these days. We just replaced everybodies machines in the office with laptops, docking stations and screens...I've yet to hear any complaints at all.

Horses for courses I suppose. I've been using computers since Windows 3.1 and have never ever had a need or wanted to use a computer outside the home or office. Now with only a few years to go before a well earned retirement I doubt that will change. I even have a Desktop at our home in France too. Nope I will stick to my iMac thanks.
Just edited that post, your right you didn't say that directly.

But how can you say Android has more stability issues when it was shown recently that iSO crashes more oftern? They both crash, can you just accept that and stop with these baseless claims already.

That's ironic- 'baseless claims'. Where has it been 'shown recently that iOS crashes more often'?? And how reliable can this be, given that even just by numbers, Android must have more stability issues, given the number of devices that run it, i.e. there are lots of devices with rubbish hardware.
That's ironic- 'baseless claims'. Where has it been 'shown recently that iOS crashes more often'?? And how reliable can this be, given that even just by numbers, Android must have more stability issues, given the number of devices that run it, i.e. there are lots of devices with rubbish hardware.

I missed his edit (5 hours after his post)... :p

As you said, it stands to reason Android will have more stability issues, but it isn't all down to hardware, I've experienced plenty of crashes on all of the top end Android phones.

iOS crashes are far less frequent (but do still happen).
I missed his edit (5 hours after his post)... :p

As you said, it stands to reason Android will have more stability issues, but it isn't all down to hardware, I've experienced plenty of crashes on all of the top end Android phones.

iOS crashes are far less frequent (but do still happen).

Oh I know that, I just meant even just going by the fact there are loads of rubbish Android running hardware, this must account for a great number of these issues.

And speaking of higher end devices, sometimes it comes to something as simple as swiping between home screens. My friend's Galaxy S2 is very nice, yes, but even swiping home screens is not as slick as on iOS. The 'bounce' when flicking to the end of a web page/message is not as slick as on iOS. These are just two basic examples of 'polish'. This is not subjective. Yes the difference may be milliseconds, but then again it's the same Android fanboys who refuse to acknowledge this but at the same time go on about Apple's lower specs etc.

We iOS users acknowledge that it does not have features that Android has, i.e. customisation in particular. But this isn't comparing like for like. I would like to know what same features that both OS's have that Android users feel is superior on Android.
Is it possible to keep the Apple vs. everything else stuff to other threads? It's painfully repetitive and the same old arguements get wheeled out every time a new Apple product is on the horizon.

This one is about the iPad 3, personally if the retina display is on there I want it!
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