***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Top be fair, most people wont want/need the level of info you're asking every person that comments on battery life to give. Screen on time is enough to give an idea.

I can use my phone the same way on two different days and it'll give different battery life. Giving that much depth is a waste of time in my opinion.

Indeed, plus battery life can change due to updates etc.

My SGS2 lasted barely a day when i got it on 2.3 (or was it 2.2?). When it eventually got to 4.0 it was doing 1-1.5 days and my usage had stayed the same (if anything I was probably using it more towards the end!!)


The thing is though, these sites (apart from anandtech and gsmarena) might as well not bother posting any info. then other than it lasts throughout the day... as what every site so far has posted (apart from anandtech) is completely pointless, none of the sites have even stated screen on time (EDIT: actually I think one or two have....) or brightness (2 most important things), just say the usual "tons of browsing, tons of games" what does tons mean? I would consider more than one hour on the one game to be a "ton" not what they probably mean, which is like 15 minutes. And going by the battery life they did get, I am guessing it wasn't "tons" of gaming as the phone would not have lasted as long.

Heck one site didn't even have signal the entire time and plugged the charger in multiple times and didn't even charge it fully to 100%....

It doesn't take much longer at all or much effort to take 3 screenshots and upload them to imgur etc. (1 for the on screen time, 1 of the apps usage and 1 for the history showing wifi, awake time etc.) and to write a quick summary stating rough usage i.e. 40 minutes of browsing, 15 minutes of games, 20 minutes of phone calls, weather syncing every 2 hours and emails as well as facebook etc. syncing every 1 hour and brightness set to auto (or in the case of manual control mostly, 30% and 0% at night time for like 1 hour)

All the info. on battery life is just so pointless, for all I know these review sites could be using their phones similar to what I am on my S in which case 14 hours is exceptionally poor or they could be absolutely hammering them with 70% brightness, playing only games, weather etc. syncing all the time in which case it would be superb.

If you look at it like that, then you could also say the exact same thing about benchmarks for performance, all the hardware detailed info etc.

These are review sites, which are suppose to give us relevant and accurate info. on all of these areas. Only anandtech and gsmarena are the good ones when it comes to stuff like this (although as said, their benchmarks don't seem that accurate when it comes to real world usage, but it gives you a general idea as to what to expect and a far better representation than these other so called review sites).
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Did you order the bumper too? I noticed the only one we've found that says complete was just an order for the phone and nothing else. Mine went through before that time as well but doesn't say complete yet, I ordered the bumper.

Nope I didn't order a bumper for it. I'm going to get a case for mine to protect it. :)

Wonder if we'll hear anything today from Google...
I cant believe some of the comments here.
People are accepting an 8GB instead of 16, and then trying to justify it by saying they dont use 16 anyway, or will be able to cut a few things out. Thats a downgrade, no matter how good the phone is imagined to be.
People are regretting buying, and wish they hadn't.
People have sold their old phones and are now left without.
People are resigning to the fact that CPW is £100 dearer and still considering buying.

It's all mass hysteria, in the same vein as the IP5 launch.

I thought Android users had a bit more sense.

Have to admit it is rather funny all the above! :D

Especially the storage part;

Around the time of the one series launch

"32GB and no SD slot.....WTF where they thinking that isn't enough let alone 16GB on the one S, not buying, roll on GS 3 with SD slot"

Nexus 4 gets announced

"16GB will be fine, just cut back on some music etc."

nexus 4 16GB out of stock

"8GB is perfectly fine, don't need as much as 16GB, only use like 4GB currently"

:D :D :D


Got to say though I am still sorely tempted to get one! The price for it is just so damn awesome!

I accepted the offer from Envirophone for my S3, I have 18 days to send out my phone and the price they offered me will not go down. I assumed the price offered would drop after the launch of the Nexus 4 so accepted before hand. This means I'm guaranteed a Nexus 4 for no extra cost. So if I manage to get one within the next 14 days, I can mail off my S3 and I'm sorted. I also only need the 8GB as I do not use more than 1/2GB on my phone and prefer to keep it as empty as possible.

I've thought it through, many people haven't though it seems.
I thought these forums had a minimum level of decorum, but the way people are paying for these phones, how they are scrounging the money together is truly pathetic, get a grip guys, it's just a phone.
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