***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Er like I said before, the N4 is faster and I think it looks better. I've always preferred stock Android to the manufacturer overlays, but I know some people can't do without their Sense, so it's not always a benefit.

Lack of storage isn't too bad, I wasn't using much of the One X's 32GB thanks to being a Google Music user for the past year and a half.

The on screen buttons aren't really any different to use than the capacitive buttons, the legacy menu is less annoying now since the nav bar is always there, and thanks to that menu button being used in so many apps still, I was used to losing a bit of the screen to it often on the X
Sense is so bloated now. Touchwizz is the same. The s3, one and very much the note2 are lovely phones. I just can't handle the crudware. I'm stock android for good
Odd question but do drop offs in battery caused by crashes have any impact on how the battery charges in future cycles? I ask because I've been playing game dev story and its crashed the phone twice in half an hour. I can't tell if its the game bugging out or overheating though because it gets quite warm.

Anyway the battery has had a huge drop off:

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Well mine has arrived just playing around with it right now.

Couple of quick comparisons to the s3:

1. Brightness is considerably better on the N4, whites actually look white compared to the yellowy whites on the s3. Blacks are better on the s3 but as it's oled that is to be expected.

2. The N4 has some issues with touchscreen sensitivity. On my s3 i can use the very tip of my finger to gently swipe whereas the N4 requires a decent amount of pressure which is disappointing.

3. Loundspeaker volume is marginally louder on the s3 with a bit more bass.

4. Build quality the N4 wins easily. Feels considerably more premium compared to the s3. Love the back of the phone.

5. N4 is faster than my s3. No lag, smooth as an iPhone which my s3 definitely wasn't.

6. Camera is slightly better in terms of photo quality on the s3. However, colours are a lot more accurate on the N4.
Considering selling my S2 and getting a N4. Only major concern is battery life, do you guys think it's software related? (i.e. it will get fixed in the future?) Can't be hardware related with a 2100 mAh battery surely?

e: Also, does anyone have the 8gb version rather than 16gb? How much space is taken up by Android?
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Only major concern is battery life, do you guys think it's software related? (i.e. it will get fixed in the future?) Can't be hardware related with a 2100 mAh battery surely?

I am 90% sure it is a software problem due to these reasons:

the msm_hsic thing is definitely one thing, which shouldn't be there or using as much battery as what it currently is and surface flinger plus power manager service are also using more battery than what it should.

Once they are sorted out you should be getting even better battery life.

That is just for Murray's phone, but I can't see it being any different for the other nexus devices.

Plus considering the CPU/GPU, screen and battery, the N4 should be getting excellent battery life.

Just because a phone has a big battery doesn't mean that it will have good battery life :p There are a lot of factors that play a part in how good battery life is, main things being:

- CPU/GPU (the CPU chipset that the nexus uses is the best for power efficiency)
- screen (supposedly the N4 display is very power efficient, there is more to how power efficient a display is than just what res. it uses as has been shown by the HTC DNA android police battery review)
- type of battery (supposedly the n4 battery is next gen, can hold a charge for longer, charges quicker etc.)
- software optimisation (extremely important this, could have the very best i.e. all the above but if the software/driver optimisation is poor, then the battery life will also suck)
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There is that msm_hsic_host kernel wakelock again.

Taken from XDA:

Qualcomm EHCI Host Controller using HSIC. See line 586 ehci-msm-hsic.c.

May be a coincidence but it is related to USB Host... that doesn't work on our device

Same issue, very annoying. Anyone with a Galaxy Nexus/Nexus 7/Nexus 10, are you experiencing this? Is it tied to WiFi only or just a Qualcomm modem issue? This phone has the latest Qualcomm Modem in it, with a very efficient chip for WiFi if I recall. Maybe someone screwed up because it's not as tried and true?

And power manager service is using a **** load of battery.

Can you get the bottom half of the CPU states section, which shows the rest of the clock speeds and deep sleep time.

Plus you have poor signal, which won't help matters at all.
Definitely seems to be software related. Tbh I'm happy to (or rather have to) wait until it gets fixed and the stock replenishes.
I am 90% sure it is a software problem due to these reasons:

Good :p

Just because a phone has a big battery doesn't mean that it will have good battery life :p There are a lot of factors that play a part in how good battery life is, main things being:

- CPU/GPU (the CPU chipset that the nexus uses is the best for power efficiency)
- screen (supposedly the N4 display is very power efficient, there is more to how power efficient a display is than just what res. it uses as has been shown by the HTC DNA android police battery review)
- type of battery (supposedly the n4 battery is next gen, can hold a charge for longer, charges quicker etc.)
- software optimisation (extremely important this, could have the very best i.e. all the above but if the software/driver optimisation is poor, then the battery life will also suck)

Yes true, didn't really think about that. I think I'll try and get one :)
There is that msm_hsic_host kernel wakelock again.

Taken from XDA:

And power manager service is using a **** load of battery.

Can you get the bottom half of the CPU states section, which shows the rest of the clock speeds and deep sleep time.

Plus you have poor signal, which won't help matters at all.

have plugged it in so will do more CPU tomorrow.
as for signal - I know..at work I dont get any signal at all...hence I will be going to try giff gaff again that is much better ...maybe not as fast as 3 but should be fine for google music etc...
i was thinking of selling s2 but tbh i dont think its worth while atm, as the new JB update is around the corner (hopefully before Christmas) and will improve the phone dramatically.

So my plan is buy N4 for family member, if it turns out to be good, swap muhahahahah

im preparing my reasons "I think it be better if we swap, you have my phone as its a lot less complicated compared to that new phone i got you"

be nice to actually get the N4 before Christmas what you reckon chances are?
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