***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

It isn't exactly throwing it away is it? I don't see people saying that people are throwing away £400 on an iPhone 5 when thats worse than this.
It isn't exactly throwing it away is it? I don't see people saying that people are throwing away £400 on an iPhone 5 when thats worse than this.

But that's not really the same thing. The iPhone may be more expensive but people are still buying it at the standard price. You can argue that the Nexus 4 is worth more then £279, but that's what it was priced at and what it will be sold at when there is finally more stock.

Obviously its up to everyone what they do with their money, and £100 is less to some people than others, but that is the answer to why people believe its throwing money away.

Oh, and where can I get a new iPhone 4 for £400? ;)
A fool and his money...

You don't get rich by throwing away £100 a time.

Also when you're bathing in fifty pound notes you're gonna' know there's a couple missing, it's a horrible feeling.

lol some people are so extreme, yes you would be an idiot if you spent £100 more when you could obtain the phone elsewhere.

sadly the fact is, you cant and there is also no ETA.

£100 might be loads to some, but also then again a tramp might think you leaving half your meal in the pub a waste.

it's an individual thing money,
I've no qualms with people getting their N4's for a premium.

Hopefully means I stand greater chance when Google eventually get more stock.
A fool and his money...

You don't get rich by throwing away £100 a time.

Also when you're bathing in fifty pound notes you're gonna' know there's a couple missing, it's a horrible feeling.

That's rich, coming from the bloke who couldn't decide which wheel to buy for gaming so bought both.

A fool and his money.

My girlfriend just called me a fool for not waiting. I felt I didn't have a choice after just parting with my S3, and having a crappy phone and then pretty much realising it could be January until the phone is available at the Google price. Had to throw that £100 away :(
Anyone know why my nexus 4 could be doing this. When I phone someone I can't hear them unless I put it on loudspeaker?

*edit it seems to be working again bizarre.
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Well I had this phone nearly a day now and I have to say its great. So glad I took the plunge. Initially I wasn't overly enamored with it after having a quick look in a CPW store at one. Looking back it was covered in finger prints and I never get a real feel for the phone with it being security bound by wires and things in the shop. I was coming from a GS2 and wanted a bigger screen but didn't really consider this big enough after I learnt the nav bar ate away the some portion of the screen. I was going to plump for a note 2 but eventually I decided that was too big and too much money with my budget in mind. And always after going with ROMS on my GS2 that went for pure google feel anyway I decided I gotta just try this phone and just run with the real thing even just to try and then see where to go later.

When you unbox this at home, man, straight away you get the quality feel people are talking about. Forget a quick demo in the shop. When you take the protective plastic covers off the front and back it suddenly becomes clear how "nice" this phone is. I Think its important to bear in mind its £293, or supposed to be, and when you factor that there is nothing to say other than jesus this is well made. The weight is perfect, the glass cornering makes it feel great in the hand. It's got such a smooth feel to it I was loath to use it in the street in case it slid out my hand. Got some case coming so will get over that.

So the screen isnt so much bigger than my GS2 but it is a tad wider and that seems to add a lot. Pinching and zooming reveals no pixels and text is just razor sharp. Also I see over in XDA there is a ROM where you can make the nav bar transparent so there you go that can be made to reveal more of the screen. I haven't experienced this lack on sensitivity with the screen, its just smooth as anything, a really nice experience for a phone. For it to be this cheap they have scrimped on a few things to reach this price point and I think they did it with the best things.

1. OK speaker is tinny as hell. But its not so quiet (for me anyway) like some have said, and I don't listen to music via the loud speaker (I've yet to see anyone other than chav's do this) anyway so I can let that go. Music sounds good on a decent pair of headphones and Bluetooth in the car.

2. Camera doesn't seem, for now, any better than the S2, but its no worse and maybe after more use it may reveal advantages. I wouldn't let this deter any would be buyers. Its still a decent camera that will do the job for the usual stuff.

3. Removable battery and lack of SD card slot. We all know about that. Cant see it being a problem and you know that the battery is actually accessible, albeit with some difficulty but its there and no doubt will be exploited. I guess. And FYI when you sign into your "BOX" app ( drop box clone ) you get instant upgrade to 50GB from 2gb or however much it is as standard. Bit like SG3 users with Dropbox itself.
So if your into the cloud this is very much in your ball park and I think I might start adopting.


Just thought I'd add my 5 bobs worth as kept reading mixed reviews and being put off, but really now I took the plunge I really cant see why anyone wouldn't love this phone. Especially if you get it for £293. I paid more from CPW and still feel its a good price for what I have. So if your not sure. Just get it and don't look back.
just got the update, rebooting now...

on a sad note, now dropped it 3 times from table height, no damage showing at all!!

it just slides off stuff, slid off my wonky kitchen table lol!
Meh, thinking of grabbing one from CPW or O2 as a birthday prezzie to myself.
I have a HOX at the moment which I like but I've always had issues with the battery life.

How much better than the HOX would you rate the Nexus 4 or shall I not bother?
I'll get £190 for my HOX as a recycle via Asda so the N4 will cost me £210 approx.
Meh, thinking of grabbing one from CPW or O2 as a birthday prezzie to myself.
I have a HOX at the moment which I like but I've always had issues with the battery life.

How much better than the HOX would you rate the Nexus 4 or shall I not bother?
I'll get £190 for my HOX as a recycle via Asda so the N4 will cost me £210 approx.

Youre paying £210 for something not too different. Wait for the Google price, nothing wrong with a HOX
My 8gb eventually turned up this morning, been playing for an hour or so, very nice so far!

Anyone rooted it yet? Got a couple of apps I've used for a while that need root access.
on a sad note, now dropped it 3 times from table height, no damage showing at all!!

it just slides off stuff, slid off my wonky kitchen table lol!

Good to hear it hasn't been damaged, little worrying that it seems so prone to leaping off tables though. The fragility issue is still putting me off, though I assume it's only a matter of time before aftermarket shells and cases come out for it, as well as an aftermarket replacement for the glass back. Still not sure if it's worth me stumping up the extra cash over the S3 though.
My 8gb eventually turned up this morning, been playing for an hour or so, very nice so far!

Anyone rooted it yet? Got a couple of apps I've used for a while that need root access.

Of course, it's a Nexus so all you need to do is OEM unlock via fast boot and then boot an insecure boot.img which contains a custom recovery, then flash a package that contains the SU binary, SU control app (either Superuser or SuperSU) and Busybox.
Every time I try to install the update it just says error :(

Reboots, says installing system update then gets half way through and says error.
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