***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

the engadget lot hate the battery life. is it really that bad?

Nobody else complained about the battery, I believe it must have been a problem specific to the version of Android their device had. I would wait till the final release build is reviewed somewhere before we start worrying.
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TheVerge only give it 6/10 for call quality.

As it's a phone that's my primary concern and that score is somewhat off putting.

The score is pretty misleading though, the -4 comes from its lack of LTE, the score is for call quality and data reception it is marked down because it lacks LTE it has nothing to do with the call quality. If you were to read the review it's pretty obvious they love the phone, going as far as saying if it had LTE it would be the reviewers primary phone.

What you should have been looking for was this quote:

On the plus side, call quality and reception was excellent on the phone. I only had one dropped called while testing, and general sound and clarity was top notch. LG smartly equipped the Nexus 4 with a loud and clear speaker, and an earpiece that carries surprisingly clean audio. The speaker was so loud that I actually had to turn the phone down for alerts.
Got a friend who works at CEX ad confirmed I could get £189 for my mint GN.

My dad's come up trumps though, £200 if I throw in landscape dock. Winner, staying in the family.

Back to my trusty old Nokia 6300 for 2 weeks though.
The score is pretty misleading though, the -4 comes from its lack of LTE, the score is for call quality and data reception it is marked down because it lacks LTE it has nothing to do with the call quality. If you were to read the review it's pretty obvious they love the phone, going as far as saying if it had LTE it would be the reviewers primary phone.

What you should have been looking for was this quote:

Thanks for that, was flicking through on my phone and must have skimmed past that.

Had another read and it does indeed sound like a very good phone for a ridiculously low price! What's an iPhone 5, £700?

Makes me feel like a bit of an idiot for even considering spending that much on another iPhone.
I hope the Nexus 4 display is upto iP5 standards - looks how clear and vibrant it is compared to the ipad mini. 100% sRGB Gamut, great polorizer and minimal Fresnel reflections (in-cell) :cool:

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Don't base anything on these reviews, take them with a huge pinch of salt.

They are using an old version of 4.2 (seems like a beta, maybe even alpha version.......)

As said many times before, software plays a vital part in everything. In theory the nexus 4 should be very good for everything aside from possibly audio and camera.

Wait for updated reviews or ones, which have the latest version of android and most importantly user reviews.
Im torn between this and the Lumia 920 :/

I wouldn't be torn by phone selection, they're both highly capable phones. Which ecosystem are you invested in? which apps/services do you regularly use? These are the questions you should be asking yourself.

Nexus 4 being cheaper helps too ;)
I hope the Nexus 4 display is upto iP5 standards - looks how clear and vibrant it is compared to the ipad mini. 100% sRGB Gamut, great polorizer and minimal Fresnel reflections (in-cell) :cool:

The Nexus is nearly half the price of the iPhone 5, you may be expecting a little too much from this thing.
I hope the Nexus 4 display is upto iP5 standards

sRGB Gamut: ~100% (Excellent)
Polorizer: Average (Highish reflections and reduced viewing angles but provides deep blacks at all angles, e.g. look at the screen when turned off)
Viewing angles: Good (see above)
Fresnel/diffused reflections (in-cell): Yes, LG branded G2 Touch Hybrid Display (zerogap and in-cell digitizer)
Contrast ration: ~1400 (Excellent)
Brightness: ~500 nits (Excellent, but also has v.aggressive auto brightness like the N7)

Conclusion: Amazing screen for the price. (Probably the same integrated LCD stack as the iPhone 5 with a cheaper glass cover)
Don't base anything on these reviews, take them with a huge pinch of salt.

They are using an old version of 4.2 (seems like a beta, maybe even alpha version.......)

As said many times before, software plays a vital part in everything. In theory the nexus 4 should be very good for everything aside from possibly audio and camera.

Wait for updated reviews or ones, which have the latest version of android and most importantly user reviews.

It is a bit stupid of google as these reviews may not be updated post the final release.

In any case I am pretty buoyed by the reviews. Nothing is disastrous, many things are excellent and the price is ridiculous.
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