***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Seriously considering selling my phone and spending circa £70 to get this phone. It seems such a great deal. Hopefully google continue with their own products with subsidies as the 3 products have been fantastic and well priced.
Just fitted wet application screen & back protectors to mine (think the one I used was recommend here) and it looks like a ****ing disaster at the moment, needs to dry for a few days apparently.

Annoyingly I'm not supposed to turn it on for like eight hours, just in case. I used way less water than YouTube videos seem to show, as I am paranoid about my phones :D
Tempted, but I didn't really find much use for it when I had it on.

I never turned it off, I like being surprised by what it knows and warnings about trips to places etc, its also really handy to google something on my pc and then leave the house knowing I just need to say yes to navigate to wherever I was looking at without having to mess about noting down postcodes :)
Its a good holder too. I put it near my gear stick on the center console and it sticks perfectly to the aluminium trim. For a fiver its top notch!

Looks like it will only hold the phone when in the landscape mode. How does it cope when the phone is upright?
I am in love with this phone. It's awesome. Haven't even begun to customise it in anyway. Stock but rooted. Decent battery life now, no sluggishness, loads of space, apps install instantly.

Massive massive upgrade from my old HTC Desire.
Any draw backs to this? What is the data that I clear?

You will need to remove and read your google account to the phone for some stuff to work after you clear the data. Bit annoying, but not the end of the world. Or just wait a day or so and let the update be pushed to you.

I never turned it off, I like being surprised by what it knows and warnings about trips to places etc, its also really handy to google something on my pc and then leave the house knowing I just need to say yes to navigate to wherever I was looking at without having to mess about noting down postcodes :)

Maybe I'll give it a try again at some point, I was just disapointed that it kept notifying me as to how the traffic would be for my journey home each day when I was half way home, I excpected it to learn what time I tend to leave work.
Very strange. In this situation rather than chasing after it I'd just wipe and reflash the ROM, restore any apps that don't sync online with their data, and restore apps that don't require sync without their data. I find this doesn't take long and will generally be quicker than chasing after the problem.

Done that enough times, trust me. I guess I'm just doomed to average battery life. Thanks for your help mate.

If you could I would do a full wipe
I recently went back to stock from running pa and the full wipe and flash seemed to cure my battery problems

With the 4.2.2 update this is why we got a nexus phone everyone else will be waiting why we have it straight away

I would try this, but I really love PA :(
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guys i need a hands free headphone set? tried a genric one and the ones from my samsung and sony phones, neither work in the microphone sense?
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