***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Think I've got it how I like it.

Grrrrrrrrr this is really bugging me now.

Using MSKIPS toolkit to root and stuff but it keeps getting stuck on Waiting for USB debugging mode.

No matter how many times I turn it on or off (debugging mode) and reboot the device it never goes past this.
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Grrrrrrrrr this is really bugging me now.

Using MSKIPS toolkit to root and stuff but it keeps getting stuck on Waiting for USB debugging mode.

No matter how many times I turn it on or off (debugging mode) and reboot the device it never goes past this.

Make sure you don't have something like KIES hogging the port.
Just wondering, I don't use PA (I installed it again a few days back just to see if I could find a point with it now, unfortunately I don't find it offers any benefits), but is there a way to move back to stock colours other than editing values manually? Purely out of interest.

Must say that 4.2.2 appears to be a massive improvement with battery life (well, expected due to the wakelock fix), but I never agreed with the reviews saying the Nexus 4 felt insanely fast and smooth until now. Really flies!
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Everyone talking about how the update transformed their battery life. It hasn't for me :(

I get 20 hours with 2 hours screen on time. All on wifi, no mobile data used. Where is this epic battery life everyone is speaking of :mad:
Download and install BetterBatteryStats. With a bit of snooping you should be able to find the culprit.

Been doing that for ages. Nothing out of the ordinary. No apps are draining power, no unusual wakelocks, nothing like that. I've tried loads of different kernels, tried undervolting etc. I don't even have GPS on. To be honest, 2 hours screen is good enough for my usage, but I really want the awesome battery life that some people are getting.
Latest PA (Feb 18th) with latest bootloader and radio has made my phone super fast. Battery life is superb aswell. I don't think i will be moving away from PA any time soon. Its soo damn good!
Latest updates from Widget Locker/Minimilistic Text have brought some very nice improvements aswell. All in all 4.2.2 is damn fine!
Currently using the latest version of PA Feb 18th with latest radio JDQ39 and franco r83 kernal I think its all compatible?


Either way it seems to be running fine so far :)

What is the best way to enable the notification bar using expanded desktop in PA? Think I downloaded an app last time but cant rembember. Is there a better solution?

edit obtained the following from a few posts down in this thread.
Been doing that for ages. Nothing out of the ordinary. No apps are draining power, no unusual wakelocks, nothing like that. I've tried loads of different kernels, tried undervolting etc. I don't even have GPS on. To be honest, 2 hours screen is good enough for my usage, but I really want the awesome battery life that some people are getting.

Very strange. In this situation rather than chasing after it I'd just wipe and reflash the ROM, restore any apps that don't sync online with their data, and restore apps that don't require sync without their data. I find this doesn't take long and will generally be quicker than chasing after the problem.
Yeah!, I've had it on since I got my Phone!!

I find the Travel to Work/Home Card to be quite useful, as a quick way to see how long a delay I'm likely to get from Swindon to Uxbridge and back!! :)
Everyone talking about how the update transformed their battery life. It hasn't for me :(

I get 20 hours with 2 hours screen on time. All on wifi, no mobile data used. Where is this epic battery life everyone is speaking of :mad:

If you could I would do a full wipe
I recently went back to stock from running pa and the full wipe and flash seemed to cure my battery problems

With the 4.2.2 update this is why we got a nexus phone everyone else will be waiting why we have it straight away
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