***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Downloaded it and it seems to do what i want BUT i cant figure out how to enable/disable wifi when i select a particular profile.

I've created Profiles which was easy enough but they just control the Sound/Vibrate functions of the phone.
What i want to do is pair those Proflles now with Events that occur when i select those profiles. For example when i select Profile "X" wifi turns off/on.

Thats the bit i cant figure out.

I got mine from rapidnfc.com Very efficient service and they allow same day pickup from Covent Garden if you are local. Less than £1 each depending on which ones you pick. (I picked the ones that work on metal to avoid any potential issues).


nope happens for me too. it notice it looks like it's about to pull the notification down and then ****s up and then wont ever work as you say without a reboot.

I have encountered that problem a couple of times now (completly stock 4.2.2).

Glad it's not just me. I wouldn't mind but it seems random. I have no idea what I do to stop it working!!!

While i'm mentioning minor bugs, The Digital clock widget. Sometimes it doesn't show the correct Alarm time below it. I have a daily alarm, which I sometimes modify, but the alarm time on the widget does not always update without me re-adding the widget. Again, no idea what I am doing to trigger it else I would avoid it!!

Glad it's not just me. I wouldn't mind but it seems random. I have no idea what I do to stop it working!!!

While i'm mentioning minor bugs, The Digital clock widget. Sometimes it doesn't show the correct Alarm time below it. I have a daily alarm, which I sometimes modify, but the alarm time on the widget does not always update without me re-adding the widget. Again, no idea what I am doing to trigger it else I would avoid it!!

Yeah, I'm glad it wasn't just mine that had issues too. But it happpens too randomly, I encountered it the other day about 30mins after the phone had been turned on and I had only replied to a couple texts so I don't know what can be causing it.

I'm also finding that after disabling an alarm the alarm time doesnt disappear from below the default widget.

Since day 1, when I was plugging cable in to it, there was a 'squeaky' noise and when I was wiggling cable around...I never paid attention to it and thought it must be the cable...

just few days ago - took me a while didn't it ;) ; I have noticed that it is not cable..it is bottom part of casing...it is moving a bit...

when mobile is facing up, bottom part on right from usb port. you can push it in a bit in to the mobile. Left one is still and doesn’t move at all...
it is around where mic hole is.

can you guys check yours and see if you can press yours in as well ?

Not sure if that would be covered under warranty....


Posted something similar just above you mate.

Mine does the same, but on the opposite side of usb.
My 3g has become very slow, it was ok at first but now it’s terrible. Don’t think it’s Three as my brother has an IPhone 5 on Three and it’s fasts. If I reboot the phone it good for a few minutes and then goes slow again.

Did a factory reset and it is a bit better but now security setting will not open without crashing? I need to add a login pattern but it just gives a popup saying its stopped.
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Im thinking of pressing the buy button now for a Nexus 4, i currently have a Arc S, how do i go about the whole micro sim card, do i need to contact orange to get a new Sim card?
Im thinking of pressing the buy button now for a Nexus 4, i currently have a Arc S, how do i go about the whole micro sim card, do i need to contact orange to get a new Sim card?

I walked into an EE store and they gave me a blank Orange MicroSIM which I just registered over the phone.

That or a sim cutter available very cheap on eb, I got one, as easy as using a simple stapler and you get a sim adapter out of the resulting rim of waste plastic from the large sim, my kid uses it for swapping sim in his tab.
With Vodafone, I just went into my nearest store, and asked for a Micro-SIM, the guy registered it there and then, and within 2 hours everything had transferred over to the new SIM and the old one was dead!!

I came from an original Xperia Arc... The Nex4 was like learning to fly when you've only just learned to crawl, it was a lovely feeling not being hampered by a slow 1Ghz CPU and 380Mb RAM... I think coming from an Arc S, will be the same!!

Do It!! Do It!! :)
I came from an original Xperia Arc... The Nex4 was like learning to fly when you've only just learned to crawl, it was a lovely feeling not being hampered by a slow 1Ghz CPU and 380Mb RAM... I think coming from an Arc S, will be the same!!

N4 was my first smartphone, coming from a crusty old Nokia 5800 :eek: :D
Im thinking of pressing the buy button now for a Nexus 4, i currently have a Arc S, how do i go about the whole micro sim card, do i need to contact orange to get a new Sim card?

You might be able to order one for free on their website. Either that or just call them, it'll probably arrive before the phone does.
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