***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

I came from an S2 & I thought the same, But after having it since the 16th I'm actually enjoying the screen a lot more now. Everything is a lot more crisp, The colours aren't too bad really took some getting used to but I think they look alright now.

Certainly don't miss the S2 thats for sure.

Good to hear.

How different is the camera and audio?
Looks like these are going on sale in Germany today.....

Cheers guys, will give it a go.

Out of interest, how do you add none @gmail accounts to gmail? Couldn't seem to do this earlier when I tried. Do I have to add it via the app or via the web based gmail?

I add them via the web and then forward the mail to my main GMail, works wonders. That way, you can send via your old e-mail address if you need to do so.
Reports fo shure!! ~}~ ;)

Great news! :)

No more little ***** buying loads in order to rip other people of, on the likes of ebay etc.

Well not just them, there would have been retail shops buying multiples because it would have been cheaper for them to buy off the Play Store rather than direct from LG.

This type of thing happens in retail quite frequently!
Yeah I got the same with Halifax, and they still keep calling me to tell me to call their Fraud Department.

All because of me adding my new card as my old one expired end of November.
Id like to know this too, actually need to get my whole 'house' in order with regards to email, calender etc. Time to invest in some platform-independent apps/services I guess

ps3ud0 :cool:

Google Music would probably be the easiest, I think it also transfers across play counts and the like.

There are a few apps which work well with iTunes, someone else will hopefully remember which ones.

http://www.jrtstudio.com/iSyncr - came up with a quick search for example.

E-mail and Calendar can be handled more natively through the Google apps.
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