you base all this on one persons findings, all the other reviews have been postive, he could have had a dud phone... seriously calm down and wait for it to be released
Yes and no; youre right and this is speculation. However it is speculation based on;
- what happened with n7 (how did no one notice screens coming away over time; it was probably the 3 month development cycle).
- previous problems with lg (no reviewer picked up on the o2x problems; the reviews were glowing. In reality it was the worst phone i have ever used and it litrrally didnt work MOST of the time). These same problems have been spotted by one reviewer this time.
As i said, to me this speaks of google not having a full or final say on the production of these phones/tablets and that QC is left at the manufacturers' door. I would prefer for google to have the same anal QC apple have. Thus far Samsung and HTC have performed QC pretty well however it would be foolish of google to assume other manufacturers are as rigorous as samsung and htc.