its all fun until it doesnt save your game and you have to do the hours worth you just lost all over again
Calm down i havent played it and i know that aint true. Doesnt MP3 take about 8hrs to finish compared to skyrims 100+.
Need a little help, got a bit stuck. See below.
On the police station level, right near the end when you are fighting the "boss". I can shoot down the first ceiling tile / light thing but I cannot get the 2nd one down. I have spammed the actual light and all the tiles directly next to it but cant get it to fall. Any Ideas?
2560x1440 max settings = 2754mb of v-ram usage....
and 2Gb is meant to be enough...
It seems to be adding all my cards VRAM together??
It says 4.5GB??
Msi Afterburner works fine...
Just make sure " Enable Compatiblity with modified Direct 3D run time libraries " Is ticked after adding a new profile for Maxpayne Exe then clicking the spanner
Use the Purple OSD icon ^