I just finished the game, went straight in on Hard and yeah...it's HARD lol. What a game though, one of the best game I've played in quite a while and it runs fantastically well on the pc, too.
A good game but not really as good as the first/second ones, that doesn't stop it being one of the best games ive played in a while though :)

Has some very annoying bugs though (changing weapon itself after every cut scene /grr) and the "console-ization" of this once great PC game is annoying. But overall still a very good game.
PCGamer gave it 55% due to needing fixes and a poor plot. They didnt like the big letters appearing on your screen (man on fire style) as they thought it was being way over used and made you think you were dumb.
They did think when you go back into the past was the best bits, i agree on that.
Me personally i would give it 7/10 i didnt think it was anything really special, and i probably wont play it again for quite a while. This is coming from someone who finished MP1 and MP2 over 10 times easily.
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Picked it up for £15 in the Sale, looking forward to playing as I was a big fan of the previous games but I very rarely pay full price for games these days so waited until it was cheap to pick it up, hopefully its all patched up and should have a good experiance with it
am i that out of touch? i think its boring, seems like 5 minutes of gameplay for every hour of cut scenes.. whenever people on the forum say a game is great/superb/brilliant/awesome i nearly always seem to end up disliking it.
Just popping in here to say this game is absolutely brilliant.

Its completely worthy of being linked to the Amazing 2 first games.

The character animation, the voice acting, the environments.. first class. If they can do this with MP then GTA5 is gonna be unreal.
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