
If this is for multiplayer **** then i'll pass. If it's single player related then Rockstar can go **** themselves, i'll get the GOTY edition a few months down the line.
Max Payne is probably my favourite 3rd person shooter of all time. The second was just as good. I will have no choice but to buy this and go into it open minded.


DLC plans for this game. so essentially content that has been removed to be releaseed at a later date for a fee.

does anyone know how DLC first came about? stuff like this should be included or released later for free in a patch.

DLC doesn't even work that well. GTA IV DLC was meh, and while it was slightly better for Mafia II it wasn't great.
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The 35GB install mystery appears to be solved............. the game has approx 4 hours of video scenes (presumably ingame engine cutscenes). That would make sense as it could easily account for 15-20GB if 1080P quality. I hated GTA4 cutscenes they were terrible & so boring/juvenille :( this sounds like it will have more of the same :eek:

But the real deal breaker is Rocksteady have a 1 year plan to sell MP based DLC think I will pass on this game now altogether :o
The 35GB install mystery appears to be solved............. the game has approx 4 hours of video scenes (presumably ingame engine cutscenes). That would make sense as it could easily account for 15-20GB if 1080P quality. I hated GTA4 cutscenes they were terrible & so boring/juvenille :( this sounds like it will have more of the same :eek:

But the real deal breaker is Rocksteady have a 1 year plan to sell MP based DLC think I will pass on this game now altogether :o

In game engine cutscenes would equal a massive fail for me. Max Payne's story should be told through the comic panels.
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