The story is based around 14 years after the second game. Max Payne is an alcoholic who (im trying not to give a lot away, ive completed it) is hired as private security in South America looking after a rich gangster and his family, mostly his wife.

Its very gritty and very very violent but easily the best game ive played in sometime.

Hope this helps....

Wrong, trust me it hasnt. The single player is brilliant.

Lol roller coaster of expectations, now I want to buy it :p
No offense here but thats a 15 minute clip of possibly the worst chapter in the game. This took me 12 hours to complete i.e 62 times longer than that clip....

12 hours to complete? did you play the game or did you run around looking for the gta pigeons equivalent of this game for achievements?
12 hours to complete? did you play the game or did you run around looking for the gta pigeons equivalent of this game for achievements?

I played the game on the equivalent of hard. Id estimate the completion time of around 12 hours....assuming you have completed it, how long did it take you ?
game play of a game type called score attack its xbox but you get the idea

Nice find, what I never understand though is how people get these videos, I mean the game isnt even out on console until the 18th, end of the month for PC.

This video is captured in 1st person too, what I mean is its not video of a video at some trade show, its been captured with an Xbox 360, the game and a capture device.

But how does someone (other than the developers) get their hands on the game and release this stuff? Surely its breaking some rule?

EDIT: Lol, just went to watch it again and Rockstar have taken it down. I was watching it on my phone earlier before I came on the PC, it still works on my mobile lol. But, my question still stands, how does anyone other than Rockstar get this game and have the balls to release video of it?
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I'm guessing that it leaked in Eastern Europe first as the video has Russian? text in the title, also the game has leaked onto torrent sites so there might be more leaked footage soon. I just want to try and not spoil it by watching videos so i am going to try and stay away from Max Payne 3 forum posts for a while.
Didn't get a chance to see the vid...anyone got another link?

Just keep checking youtube, Im sure many more videos will start to pop up, Rockstar will probably be quite swift in taking them down though.

EDIT: Just found another vid, keep searching for max payne 3 playthrough or walkthrough, that tends to bring up 10-15 min gameplay vids.

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