The Official Nexus S Thread

hopefully other retailers will be able to stock it and then we might get some price wars, allowing one shop is a bit mean really... where is the competition ?
[TW]Fox;18035457 said:
Real shame Samsung are making this, would have been very tempted if it was HTC but I have no interest in the cheap plastic phones Samsung make :(

Completely agreed, this has to be the most overrated phone on the market.

Cheap plastic Samsung crap, like the Galaxy S and Gingerbread doesn't address any of Androids current issues. If anything, its only a positive for developers, but development on Android has hardly been slow.

No SDCard slot, no LED notification system, and features still missing in pure Google that you can get on a cheaper handset via manufacturers UIs.

The attraction this phone is generating will not be unique once other phones get Gingerbread.
I can't wait to see what HTC do with Gingerbread, considering the latest sense already has some of the features, like the text selecting.

I'm a massive fan of Sense, well the one that comes with the stock HTC Desire, however I don't like the direction they're taking with Sense on the DesireHD.

As you say, Sense 1.0 was all about adding features that quite frankly, should be in ASOP and adding a polish that ASOP just doesn't have.

However Sense 2.0 appears to be all about HTC's commercial interests, rather than the consumers user experience.

Bundling trialware and licensed applications, such as SoundHound and navigation is something I don't want. Thankfully because I'm a geek, I can remove them but the average consumer will be stuck with them as they're installed on /system.
[TW]Fox;18035457 said:
Real shame Samsung are making this, would have been very tempted if it was HTC but I have no interest in the cheap plastic phones Samsung make :(

I'm of the same opinion, I would have been one of the first in the queue if htc had been making them.
Anyone here know or remember the price history for Samsung Galaxy S

Apparently when it came out (in June) was at £549.99 and you can now get it for £309 New

I'm wondering/hoping Nexus S will follow the same patern :)
Several months down the line nobody is going to look twice at the Nexus S with the kinds of phones LG and the like have been showing off recently!

I wouldn't even expect to get £200 for my Desire then too so might as well get the most out of it now!
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