Seems to be back to normal as far as I can tell thus far, battery is holding back to the good old days.
However, I have the firmware running 3047.0000.1326.2007.
Im not sure what stage that is at, but its not the amber update, and the phone is not seeing any updates for it.
So your 920 did exactly the same as mine and took hours to reset rather than minutes! Fun wasn't it!
I'll never reset mine again, if it ever needs it, I'll just flash it with the NSU instead.
I can see how that would be a massive PITA if it is what you are used to!
This app looks like it could be OK?
Ffs EE, just release the damn update!
Ffs EE, just release the damn update!
OK, well at least it didn't melt and has charged the battery!
Connected it up now im home but have a message saying
Update package not found on server.
"Downloading package for the selected device failed".
So I cant update via the normal means over the air on the phone ( even though I updated before all of this happened), it says theirs no updates, and I cant do it via the NSU Suite.