***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

16 Oct 2012
It amazes me how stupid Nokia are with this phone, why can't they release a price to UK stores? While there are a couple who have posted prices, those are just guesses.

Clove, Handtec and Expansys all have the phone listed without a price and only Expansys will let you pre-order. I'd have a pre-order in place in a second if they had an official price for the UK.

I think Nokia still think this is 1999 and they have a huge market share still. They need to wake up to this being the Internet age.

I would pre-order with that Digital Phone place, but when I tried it looked like they were going to charge the £469 there and then, despite the site saying otherwise.
16 Oct 2012
They probably cannot announce prices as the phone is an EE exclusive, so why are Nokia being stupid again?

It's an EE exclusive on contract, the exclusivity does not affect SIM free sales.

Look at the iPhone 5, announced, priced, availability made known to the public.

Nokia 920, announced, not priced, no availability made known.

Apple consistently releasing record breaking profit figures, Nokia's profits falling year on year.

Wouldn't you say Nokia was being rather stupid?
20 Aug 2010
Not Coventry
I have no idea of the details of the exclusivity contract, and neither do you. There may be conditions in the contract that prevent SIM-free pricing being announced until the EE contract pricing has been announced, but that is just a guess.

You mention the iPhone 5, but as it was not exclusive to any provider it is not comparable to the situation with the Lumia 920.

While I would prefer Nokia to announce pricing, I am not going to jump about calling them stupid when I have little to no idea about their business decisions.
26 Jan 2006
Umm all other makers are exactly the same, till the phone has an absolute official date for release on their networks agreed with, you dont get sim free prices.
Remember this when getting my S2 for example, no definite prices till release day.

Hers whats very likely, sim free, the phone will cost £500, or about £30 either way, so whats the big deal?
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16 Oct 2012
I have no idea of the details of the exclusivity contract, and neither do you. There may be conditions in the contract that prevent SIM-free pricing being announced until the EE contract pricing has been announced, but that is just a guess.

You mention the iPhone 5, but as it was not exclusive to any provider it is not comparable to the situation with the Lumia 920.

While I would prefer Nokia to announce pricing, I am not going to jump about calling them stupid when I have little to no idea about their business decisions.

Stupid is probably the wrong word, but they certainly are run badly. Their head of marketing left which shows the company is troubled.

Exclusivity is a really bad thing to do, they keep trying it and it fails every time. So why would they do it again? it just annoys the other networks and pretty much ensures that they won't push the phone when they finally do get it.
16 Oct 2012
Umm all other makers are exactly the same, till the phone has an absolute official date for release on their networks agreed with, you dont get sim free prices.
Remember this when getting my S2 for example, no definite prices till release day.

Hers whats very likely, sim free, the phone will cost £500, or about £30 either way, so whats the big deal?

HTC have their device priced everywhere. Nokia released pricing for France, Germany and Italy, so why not the UK?

The big deal is I could pre-order from Expansys only for them to be charging £530 when Clove could be charging £500. Pre-ordering without knowing the price is a rather foolish thing to do.



17 Aug 2006
It amazes me how stupid Nokia are with this phone, why can't they release a price to UK stores?

Its out of Nokia's hands to be honest, as Windows Phone 8 is unveiled to the world on October 29th (5PM in London). At which point I am guess we will have a lot more information, you'll probably find most places are on a NDA till that date.
16 Oct 2012
[RXP]Andy;22998456 said:
Its out of Nokia's hands to be honest, as Windows Phone 8 is unveiled to the world on October 29th (5PM in London). At which point I am guess we will have a lot more information, you'll probably find most places are on a NDA till that date.

I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that pricing has been revealed to France, Germany and Italy. Even the US sellers seem to have prices up.

But I'll just have to wait for the 29th and see what the big surprise will be. Perhaps a Surface phone will be announced.



20 Nov 2004
It's an EE exclusive on contract, the exclusivity does not affect SIM free sales.

Look at the iPhone 5, announced, priced, availability made known to the public.

Nokia 920, announced, not priced, no availability made known.

Apple consistently releasing record breaking profit figures, Nokia's profits falling year on year.

Wouldn't you say Nokia was being rather stupid?

I can see your frustration, but mine is leveraged by the fact that my iPhone 4S is giving me non-stop grief with call and 3G dropping out all the time! And I am also desperate to get this phone as a replacement! :D :cool:

The lack of prices and insight as to availability is annoying considering we've seen an abundant of prices and release dates for all the other new devices coming this quarter.
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