***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

16 Oct 2012
I can see your frustration, but mine is leveraged by the fact that my iPhone 4S is giving me non-stop grief with call and 3G dropping out all the time! And I am also desperate to get this phone as a replacement! :D :cool:

The lack of prices and insight as to availability is annoying considering we've seen an abundant of prices and release dates for all the other new devices coming this quarter.

I had the iPhone 4 and the stop gap Lumia 800 I bought 2nd hand is so much better for data and calls its unreal. I was always flicking the iPhone 4 into flight mode and out again to get the data moving again.

Where I live in Stafford has only 2G signal for O2 (giffgaff) and at times on the iPhone the audio would be choppy and touch the antenna and the call would drop.

So it's nice to have a phone made by someone that does a phone that works well for calls. I think the only other brand who cares as much about this is RIM, but they haven't released their new OS yet (which looks pretty good) and so they're not an option.
4 Oct 2008
[RXP]Andy;22999491 said:
We will find out on Oct 30th. :D

Indeed, I really don't now how it will go, one hand it will be like OMG 4g, but then another it might be stupidly expensive and put off most people. I hope they have 3g/4g contracts to keep things competitive, not for me as I tend to get sim free but for the mainstream user.



17 Aug 2006
Indeed, I really don't now how it will go, one hand it will be like OMG 4g, but then another it might be stupidly expensive and put off most people. I hope they have 3g/4g contracts to keep things competitive, not for me as I tend to get sim free but for the mainstream user.

I'd rather remain on Vodafone, to be honest so I am mainly looking at sim-free phones. So i may have to order one from Europe, if they are only on orange.
16 Oct 2012
[RXP]Andy;22999991 said:
I'd rather remain on Vodafone, to be honest so I am mainly looking at sim-free phones. So i may have to order one from Europe, if they are only on orange.

If the exclusivity deal does affect the SIM free market then I'll have to do the same.

Isn't there some EU law against this? anti-competitiveness. I don't so much mean offering it on one network as a contract phone, but not being able to buy it SIM free.
4 Oct 2008
If the exclusivity deal does affect the SIM free market then I'll have to do the same.

Isn't there some EU law against this? anti-competitiveness. I don't so much mean offering it on one network as a contract phone, but not being able to buy it SIM free.

I wasn't aware of this, I've been sim-free for awhile works out best for me, cheaper also so I would either wait 6 months or get one from Europe too, if I end up picking it over the new Nexus.



20 Nov 2004
I had the iPhone 4 and the stop gap Lumia 800 I bought 2nd hand is so much better for data and calls its unreal. I was always flicking the iPhone 4 into flight mode and out again to get the data moving again.

I'm in the middle of London and have no 3G, yet it always says 3G in the corner (WHY?). I didn't have issues with data when I had the HTC One X (unfortunately I no longer have this).

This phone will be available SIM-free, well... through online retailers at least. I'm on Vodafone and would like to stay put, I'm hoping pricing for the UK will tip below the £500 mark.
16 Oct 2012
I'm in the middle of London and have no 3G, yet it always says 3G in the corner (WHY?). I didn't have issues with data when I had the HTC One X (unfortunately I no longer have this).

This phone will be available SIM-free, well... through online retailers at least. I'm on Vodafone and would like to stay put, I'm hoping pricing for the UK will tip below the £500 mark.

I see it like this, if you price high you can drop it if demand isn't good enough. If you raise the price due to high demand then that looks really bad.

The price in Italy is around the £470 mark, it's France and Germany where it is another 50 euros.

I'll probably get one from somewhere else in Europe if the UK price is bad.
16 Oct 2012
Looking at German sites there's a few at 599 euros, which is good news.

I sent Nokia an email earlier about SIM free availability in the UK, hopefully I will get a reply.
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22 Mar 2007
Seriously lame that this phone is EE exclusive, Nokia are doing themselves out of potential customers. I have been with o2 for a while, and they do seem to be pretty good with loyal customers, so I want to stick with them. My contract has just come up for renewal, and had the 920 been available on all networks I would have more than likely gone for it (unless a better phone is announced on the 29th). As it is, it looks like I'll be getting a WP8 phone from HTC or Samsung.
4 Oct 2008
Seriously lame that this phone is EE exclusive, Nokia are doing themselves out of potential customers. I have been with o2 for a while, and they do seem to be pretty good with loyal customers, so I want to stick with them. My contract has just come up for renewal, and had the 920 been available on all networks I would have more than likely gone for it (unless a better phone is announced on the 29th). As it is, it looks like I'll be getting a WP8 phone from HTC or Samsung.

I think its only for 6 months so you could wait and see.
16 Oct 2012
Seriously lame that this phone is EE exclusive, Nokia are doing themselves out of potential customers. I have been with o2 for a while, and they do seem to be pretty good with loyal customers, so I want to stick with them. My contract has just come up for renewal, and had the 920 been available on all networks I would have more than likely gone for it (unless a better phone is announced on the 29th). As it is, it looks like I'll be getting a WP8 phone from HTC or Samsung.

I think this sums up Nokia's policies, exclusivity failed before and will fail again

10 Oct 2005
I think this sums up Nokia's policies, exclusivity failed before and will fail again


It is different over here though - in the UK people switch carriers all the time, though I can understand that argument for the states where it is different.
I also think that they need to take into account that the 900 deal with AT&T was for a phone running WP7 which was and still is cack, so no exclusivity in the world will encourage people to buy it as it didn't have a unique selling point.
None of us would be having all these conversations if the 920 was due to be released on WP7, so it shows there is a bit of a buzz around the W8 ecosystem
16 Oct 2012
It is different over here though - in the UK people switch carriers all the time, though I can understand that argument for the states where it is different.
I also think that they need to take into account that the 900 deal with AT&T was for a phone running WP7 which was and still is cack, so no exclusivity in the world will encourage people to buy it as it didn't have a unique selling point.
None of us would be having all these conversations if the 920 was due to be released on WP7, so it shows there is a bit of a buzz around the W8 ecosystem

Which version of WP7 have you used though? It may seem basic compared to other handsets in terms of feature counts etc, but it's all about the hubs and how well they integrate various services.

iOS and Android still seem to think that icons are cool, little pictorial representations of physical things that just sit there are do nothing. Android has widgets as well, but they are two separate things. The tile UI combines the two and your start screen is a dashboard, not a bunch of icons to launch applications.

Being able to pin things to to start screen is also very unique and useful. With iOS you can only pin website shortcuts to the start screen, whoopee do. With WP7 I have the weather for my home town pinned, I have a tile that turns my TV on and off (Using Grasshopper, which controls my home automation) as I've pinned that scene to my start screen.

The 900 suffered from being restricted by the OS hardware specification, so no multicore or higher resolution. But this is why WP is less fragmented and the user experience is more comparable to iOS than Android.

I'm not making out the WP7 is perfect or that WP8 will be much more perfect, but a phone is a communication device (internet and voice) to me and it scores highly on that front.
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16 Oct 2012
[RXP]Andy;23000675 said:
I look forward to their reply.

They replied and said they can't tell me and to keep checking their website.

I wrote a rather angry reply, not that it make a bit of difference. It's a shame there's nothing quite as good as the 920 or I'd go elsewhere.


This is pretty unacceptable for a company that is losing vast amounts of money.

If I want an iPhone I can go get one, I know how much it costs and when I can get one.

The same goes for a Samsung, HTC or any other brand.

So perhaps you can learn from this rather insane situation and actually sell some phones to people who want them instead of building up lots of hype and then telling people you don't know when the phone will be released or for how much.


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9 Jan 2003
They replied and said they can't tell me and to keep checking their website.

I wrote a rather angry reply, not that it make a bit of difference. It's a shame there's nothing quite as good as the 920 or I'd go elsewhere.

Nice - a response from them might be interesting.
Actually it's very likely to be mundane, boring and impersonal. Or even more likely to be non forthcoming.



17 Aug 2006
They replied and said they can't tell me and to keep checking their website.

I wrote a rather angry reply, not that it make a bit of difference. It's a shame there's nothing quite as good as the 920 or I'd go elsewhere.

I am guessing they are under NDA from MS still.
4 Oct 2008
[RXP]Andy;23003508 said:
I am guessing they are under NDA from MS still.

But havnt HTC given us an offical price of £399 for the 8x, or was that 3rd party pricing.

I actual think MS is being stupid with pricing, unless its something amazing why not tell us all, its going to be the standard Smartphone pricing 400-500.
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