***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

4 Oct 2008
More importantly did he think Nokias old budget models could run everything?

I've used a few from the S series and most things worked, they could multi-task, do skype and so on.

Really?, you dont know much about this then if you think it cant run Angry Birds.
Do you think the phones that are centred for the emerging market give a flying F about having games on their Phones?

I remember reading that angry birds wouldnt come to phoens with 256mb, sorry if that has changed.

You're bored? I sold my iPhone and am currently using a p.o.s. LG £20 phone, it's so old-school it reminds me of the 3210 and 3310. I can't wait for MS to announce their WP8 OS officially so that I can get my upgrade, whether it's a 920 I will have to wait and see. I'm hoping the exclusivity thing doesn't happen or that MS announce some even more awesome phones on the 29th!

Exclusive is already confirmed for EE and it looks to be 6 months. I doubt there is a new phone, a Surface phone would be amazing.
17 Apr 2009
[RXP]Andy;23018703 said:
Let's look at the Note II in your example, so we can have a like for like.


£41 Unltd / Text & Calls 1GB Data + £139 Handset - Total £1123
£46 Unltd / Text & Calls 2GB Data + £89.99 Handset -Total £1193.99


£47 Unltd / Text & Calls 2GB Data + Free Handset - Total £1128
£42 Unltd / Text & Calls 2GB Data + £49 Handset - Total £1057

At this point in time, EE haven't released any pricing on the Lumia 920

I was looking to move to EE due to the Lumia 920, but after seeing these prices they have released it doesn't make any financal sense for me to move.

Also the other thing, is the £5 extra per month so you can use your minutes and texts within Europe. Vodafone's Passport is a lot less, So that's another reason not to move for me.

The £46/month EE plan is 3GB ;)

Personally, comparing these plans I'd say the EE plan is worth the extra £136.99 (or £5.70/month) if they deliver on LTE's promise - faster speeds, higher bandwidth, lower latencies, more consistent coverage. The extra 1GB of data is the icing on the cake. Not everyone will see it that way, but I guess that's the idea. Selling 4G cheap to draw hordes of new customers to the new network sounds like a good idea, but in practice it would likely be a disaster.

Kinda irrelevant for me though - I don't live in a city so I'm not likely to see 4G for at least a year. Plus, as already stated, I pay Vodafone silly money for my contracts. If I needed the data, Vodafone sell 5GB for £18. Adding this to my contract I'd still be paying less than this. I'm not likely to jump to 4G until Voda roll it out.
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17 Apr 2009
I remember reading that angry birds wouldnt come to phoens with 256mb, sorry if that has changed.

It's one of those rumours that just won't die. It didn't take long for most of the affected apps to be fixed. Skype is the major exception (I've not heard of others that won't run, only ones that can't because the developer stopped working on them and won't update to fix the 256MB problem).
4 Oct 2008
We know EE are getting it in its starting line up, do you have a source that EE is the ONLY network the 920 will be sold on?

Ok so its not 6 months (got confused with AT&T) but most sites have it as being on EE to start with then going to overs later. Nokia havn't said much more, I do remember seeing pricing for Vodafone.


It's one of those rumours that just won't die. It didn't take long for most of the affected apps to be fixed. Skype is the major exception (I've not heard of others that won't run, only ones that can't because the developer stopped working on them and won't update to fix the 256MB problem).

My bad then I just saw it once and never really paid attention to it after that.
16 Oct 2012
I watched the Apple keynote yesterday and it is staggering to see how much they can do in a year. Three iPad versions, new laptops, new ipods, new iphone, new imac and so on.

Nokia? three phones, that's all and they can't even tell people when they can buy one. It's no wonder they have to issue bonds for a million euros.
17 Apr 2009
The exclusivity story is a bit flakey. Their words say exclusive, their actions don't. Pretty much every handset on their network has been referred to as "exclusive" in some way. If the 920 and 820 (from the tweet pictured in The Verge story) were exclusive to EE, I would have expected the handsets to feature more prominently in their marketing material. The iPhone 5 has it's own section on the website and it's own press material. They're pushing the '4G exclusive' line there and they're pushing it hard. Instead, the Lumias are thrown in with handsets from Samsung, HTC and Huawei. The GSIII and Note II are featured front and centre in press shots and are the first two handsets in the phones section of the website. Lumia exclusivity isn't mentioned once.

Windows Phone 8 doesn't launch for a few days yet, and EE doesn't go live until the day after, so there's certainly time for this to change. Maybe they're waiting until launch to push the 920 and 820. On the face of things right now though, EE's behaviour isn't consistent with how networks normally handle exclusive handsets. Generally speaking, they're contractually obliged to flog exclusives to death, and do so gleefully as they value the USP.

Also interesting is the claim of 820 exclusivity. I could have sworn that handset had been confirmed for other networks/retailers? Are the Lumia handsets a '4G exclusive' in the same vein as the iPhone 5, rather than a genuine 'exclusive' like the 920 in the US and Canada?
4 Jul 2008
I watched the Apple keynote yesterday and it is staggering to see how much they can do in a year. Three iPad versions, new laptops, new ipods, new iphone, new imac and so on.

Nokia? three phones, that's all and they can't even tell people when they can buy one. It's no wonder they have to issue bonds for a million euros.

LOL, this guy is one man hate parade!

When Apple is one of the richest companies in the world, has millions of loyal customers who will buy every iteration of their devices, of course they can do so much in a year.

Same with Samsung with their many phones, computers, tabs etc.

These companies make billions every quarter.

Nokia aren't in such a fortunate position.

Don't you have any patience whatsoever?

Will your life improve dramatically knowing the price and availability?

Get a life.

I find it hilarious and quite frankly pathetic that you've said nothing but negative things here.
19 Jul 2004
West Yorkshire
LOL, this guy is one man hate parade!

When Apple is one of the richest companies in the world, has millions of loyal customers who will buy every iteration of their devices, of course they can do so much in a year.

Same with Samsung with their many phones, computers, tabs etc.

These companies make billions every quarter.

Nokia aren't in such a fortunate position.

Don't you have any patience whatsoever?

Will your life improve dramatically knowing the price and availability?

Get a life.

I find it hilarious and quite frankly pathetic that you've said nothing but negative things here.

Errrm Nokia have the hardware ready. It's Microsoft we're waiting on. Who DO make billions every quarter. And are the biggest software company in the world. Yet another Apple comparison coming up:

In 2007 Apple announced the iPhone. They also announced that Mac OS X Leopard would be delayed for a few months. Why? They prioritised the iPhone and moved people onto that project to get it completed! They put mobile before desktop.

Microsoft in the past and now are putting first what they always have done - Windows & Office. This shows with the slow pace that Windows Phone has been developed. This is the biggest software company in the world and they are moving slower than Apple (a hardware company) and Google (an advertising company based on search). Just think. Gingerbread came out when Windows Phone 7 came out. And just see the difference between Gingerbread and JB (or 4.2 when it comes out next week) and the lack of development between WP7 and WP7.5. Unless Windows Phone 8 is somehow spectacular and they've been keeping everything secret.
18 Oct 2002
Errrm Nokia have the hardware ready. It's Microsoft we're waiting on. Who DO make billions every quarter. And are the biggest software company in the world. Yet another Apple comparison coming up:

How do you know they have the hardware ready? I mean, we can all assume that they're ready but that's not the same as knowing they've got the hardware packed and ready to sell.

In 2007 Apple announced the iPhone. They also announced that Mac OS X Leopard would be delayed for a few months. Why? They prioritised the iPhone and moved people onto that project to get it completed! They put mobile before desktop.

Microsoft in the past and now are putting first what they always have done - Windows & Office. This shows with the slow pace that Windows Phone has been developed. This is the biggest software company in the world and they are moving slower than Apple (a hardware company) and Google (an advertising company based on search). Just think. Gingerbread came out when Windows Phone 7 came out. And just see the difference between Gingerbread and JB (or 4.2 when it comes out next week) and the lack of development between WP7 and WP7.5. Unless Windows Phone 8 is somehow spectacular and they've been keeping everything secret.

I don't think you appreciate just how much work has gone into preparing for Windows 8, this is the biggest and most risky project Microsoft have ever done.

What more could Microsoft have done for Windows phone?
16 Oct 2012
LOL, this guy is one man hate parade!

When Apple is one of the richest companies in the world, has millions of loyal customers who will buy every iteration of their devices, of course they can do so much in a year.

Same with Samsung with their many phones, computers, tabs etc.

These companies make billions every quarter.

Nokia aren't in such a fortunate position.

Don't you have any patience whatsoever?

Will your life improve dramatically knowing the price and availability?

Get a life.

I find it hilarious and quite frankly pathetic that you've said nothing but negative things here.

What else do you want me to say? I want to buy the phone, they don't seem in the slightest bit interested in letting me buy it. Do you want me to wow you with how great the camera is or the sensitive screen? Everyone knows that. There is simply nothing positive to say about Nokia right now, they're on the brink. If these phones flop they're history in the smartphone market.

Apple have money because they have their company set up to produce and sell. Nokia seems to have some great designers and engineers but completely incompetant people dealing with the process of selling these phones. Elop is not a strong enough leader.
16 Oct 2012
I didn't say they didn't have the hardware ready.

Just that they're not in the position to produce multiple phones and products like Apple/Samsung can.

As gilesjuk was comparing Apples output to Nokias.

Yes and do you know why? Simply because they are making loads of money which is the exact opposite situation to Nokia who are losing lots of it. Hence if you move to a position similar to Apple then you will have more success.

Nokia makes loads of phones, but they are all feature phones. So they can make lots of products, except that the feature phones are profitable and the smartphones arent. So you can see what will happen? They have to produce a successful smartphone or they will abandon that market, but then the feature phone market will shrink too and Nokia will be out of business.

You can contrast the failings of Nokia with Kodak. They relied on their film market and dabbled in the digital market. Then their film market died out and they had nothing left. The difference is Nokia is/was a smartphone pioneer so unlike Kodak they did have a good position in a new market, its just Symbian phones just arent seen as very smart compared to todays phones.
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19 Jul 2004
West Yorkshire
How do you know they have the hardware ready? I mean, we can all assume that they're ready but that's not the same as knowing they've got the hardware packed and ready to sell.

I don't think you appreciate just how much work has gone into preparing for Windows 8, this is the biggest and most risky project Microsoft have ever done.

What more could Microsoft have done for Windows phone?

Since Windows Phone 8 was meant to be finished earlier. It was due to be out about the start of this month, but it was put back (speculation was either due to carriers/manufacturers taking longer to test - or Microsoft not RTMing it early enough to give them time to test) so Nokia would've been working to the original timetable. In other words shipping hardware would've been ready a month ago.

As for Windows Phone Microsoft doomed 7.x from the start. Instead of putting in the resources, thinking they'd want to unify everything and start from a solid base they took the easy quick route. Which was Windows CE.

To quote Steve Jobs quoting Wayne Gretzky:

"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been"

Microsoft have been skating to where the puck has been. Several years ago. Apple officially unified their mobile and desktop (core) with the original iPhone. That was 2007 and so yeah I think Microsoft could have done that quicker than 5 years. It's just poor priorities looking after their existing business (Windows & Office) and not seeing where it is disappearing to (mobile).

I didn't say they didn't have the hardware ready.

Just that they're not in the position to produce multiple phones and products like Apple/Samsung can.

As gilesjuk was comparing Apples output to Nokias.

Funny! Two years ago they were producing Symbian (or S60) handsets all over the place at different price points and different styles. And yet now they can't? Ha!

What else do you want me to say? I want to buy the phone, they don't seem in the slightest bit interested in letting me buy it. Do you want me to wow you with how great the camera is or the sensitive screen? Everyone knows that. There is simply nothing positive to say about Nokia right now, they're on the brink. If these phones flop they're history in the smartphone market.

Apple have money because they have their company set up to produce and sell. Nokia seems to have some great designers and engineers but completely incompetant people dealing with the process of selling these phones. Elop is not a strong enough leader.

This. People got excited with the Lumia 920. But then there was nothing of Windows Phone 8 shown. Then they messed it all up with the PureView PR fiasco. Then nothing. With an iPhone inbetween that fiasco and release.

Everyone mocks Apple fanboys for buying their products regardless. Anyone in this thread wanting a Lumia 920 is basing that decision without knowing what the OS is even capable of (past an existing 7.5 device). It's similar crazyness.
15 Mar 2008
Everyone mocks Apple fanboys for buying their products regardless. Anyone in this thread wanting a Lumia 920 is basing that decision without knowing what the OS is even capable of (past an existing 7.5 device). It's similar crazyness.

Big difference between being interested in something and actually buying ;)
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004

Everyone mocks Apple fanboys for buying their products regardless. Anyone in this thread wanting a Lumia 920 is basing that decision without knowing what the OS is even capable of (past an existing 7.5 device). It's similar crazyness.

I know what th OS is capable of thanks, there's a huge amount of information out their on the OS itself and off course we can look at windows phone 7 App Store to see what apps are currently abilable and there's lots of big named apps that have confirmed wp8.
16 Oct 2012
"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been"

Microsoft have been skating to where the puck has been. Several years ago.

Hardly, Windows Phone is a different UI to all other smartphones I've seen or used. iOS is like the old Palm OS, which was inspired by the Apple Newton. Android was hacked into an iOS clone once Google saw how successful the iPhone was. Only Microsoft has taken a step back and thought differently. Even RIM's new OS has more usability innovations than Android and iOS, such as being able to peek at your full inbox/appointments (not notifications) without leaving the current application.

Everyone mocks Apple fanboys for buying their products regardless. Anyone in this thread wanting a Lumia 920 is basing that decision without knowing what the OS is even capable of (past an existing 7.5 device). It's similar crazyness.

I own a Lumia 800 which I'm happy with. I've had iPhones before, RIMs new OS isn't out yet and I dislike Android. So given Windows Phone 8 is better than Windows Phone 7.x how is that a risky choice? Camera performance is a big plus too, I don't want to carry my SLR everywhere, the iPhone 4 camera was good, the Lumia 800 less so.

WP8 is giving developers the ability to create fully native C++ applications. The app selection will improve due to easier porting and the performance will be much better (not that it's slow now).

At the end of the day it's a phone, as long as it makes calls, sends messages and I can surf the net it will do me.
18 Oct 2002
Since Windows Phone 8 was meant to be finished earlier. It was due to be out about the start of this month, but it was put back (speculation was either due to carriers/manufacturers taking longer to test - or Microsoft not RTMing it early enough to give them time to test) so Nokia would've been working to the original timetable. In other words shipping hardware would've been ready a month ago.

Less than a month does not indicate to me Microsoft are treating Windows Phone 8 as an orphaned product, the hardware was probably ready but it seems unfair to give Nokia a free pass without having any facts to back it up.

As for Windows Phone Microsoft doomed 7.x from the start. Instead of putting in the resources, thinking they'd want to unify everything and start from a solid base they took the easy quick route. Which was Windows CE.

I currently use a Lumia 800, I'm well aware of how Microsoft dumped us, as I've said in other threads it was a shoddy thing for Microsoft to do as far as the customer is concerned but if they offer a decent package with WP8 I'll get over it. If they don't I'll probably be grabbing a Note 2.

To quote Steve Jobs quoting Wayne Gretzky:

"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been"

Microsoft have been skating to where the puck has been. Several years ago. Apple officially unified their mobile and desktop (core) with the original iPhone. That was 2007 and so yeah I think Microsoft could have done that quicker than 5 years. It's just poor priorities looking after their existing business (Windows & Office) and not seeing where it is disappearing to (mobile).

I've always preferred him quoting the great artists steal line, he worked in marketing, just because he was far more successful than most (after he was booted out of Apple) doesn't change the nature of the beast.

What do you mean unified their mobile and desktop core? If anything the Mac desktop has been a pretty barren place to be for the last few years, it's only sensible that Apple focuses on its more successful departments but it's not a great argument for any kind of unified business approach.

Microsoft may not be doing as good a job as they could but what they're doing right now is far more ambitious and risky than any other major competitor, even if it doesn't work out in the end they at least deserve recognition for that.
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