***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

23 Mar 2011

But as the websites say price has not been confirmed, nor release date. Just your usually scummy websites. So I wouldn't even pay attention to them.

hmmm, looks like either the 8s or the 820 is going to be for me (providing it comes in at between £300 and £350)

IF the 820 does come for 400-450, and assuming that IF the 920 can be brought without contract it would be around the £500 mark (thats the price point for all the top smartphones) the 820 would be too near the price point of a 920....... but having said that, if the 920 does go contract only, they can charge what ever they want for the 820 as it will be peoples only option to get a nokia WP8 phone without getting a contract without paying INSANE prices on the bay.....have to wait till next week/next weekend to see the final prices
4 Oct 2008
Some what off a let down, didn't really see any killer feature and the stupidly low priced Nexus has won me over. I might get a 920 later down the line on contract and keep the Nexus as a sim free phone but for now I'm not looking to pay £41 or pay for 2 sim free phones.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Some what off a let down, didn't really see any killer feature and the stupidly low priced Nexus has won me over. I might get a 920 later down the line on contract and keep the Nexus as a sim free phone but for now I'm not looking to pay £41 or pay for 2 sim free phones.

Have you looked at the htc 8s that's stupidly cheap and has a sd slot and IMO the best looking of the new phones.
4 Oct 2008
Have you looked at the htc 8s that's stupidly cheap and has a sd slot and IMO the best looking of the new phones.

Actual love the design of the 8x, I would take an 8x if it was similar priced, but going from an S2 to 8s isn't a big leap forward. The SoC is a lot better but apart from that its equal or worse. But I might get both, I like wp8 and I want to use it for a long time a long side an android phone (For my google crap mostly gmail). Might be a good idea to have that color phone in my pocket to have fun with :cool:
4 Oct 2008
I spent much longer in the hospital then expected today so I just had 1 question to ask, did the silly multi tasking get fixed in wp8, by this I mean every time you click an app it reset the application. Was so lame for things like whatsapp. This is the 1 big thing I hated.

I will go watch everything now to see whats new only just took a look at engadget but it didn't seem like anything that I hadn't already seen.
25 Jul 2005
the Htc 8s is really appealing to me now! but as stated its virtually the same as an S2 which is the same as my iphone 4 basically......

Except the UI is totally different, which is the main point...;)

So I really had my heart set on a 920 (at least it was at the top of my list for a hands on) and it seems Nokia have scuppered that if they don't get a reasonably priced (~£450-500) sim free version out now they have confirmed exclusivity with EE... No way in hell am I paying that much for a phone contract, especially if I'm forced into a two year contract...

Remember the days you could get £400 phones on £35 12 month contracts...? *Dreams....*:(

After seeing the review on Engadget of the 8x that is looking verrrry tempting (especially as the only negative as it didn't run Android...). Just a shame about the 16 GB storage capacity.
25 Jul 2005
I spent much longer in the hospital then expected today so I just had 1 question to ask, did the silly multi tasking get fixed in wp8, by this I mean every time you click an app it reset the application. Was so lame for things like whatsapp. This is the 1 big thing I hated.

I will go watch everything now to see whats new only just took a look at engadget but it didn't seem like anything that I hadn't already seen.

Wasn't that only done for apps that weren't optimised for multitasking? It depends on whether the developer coded it properly...
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