***The Official Nokia Lumia 920 Thread***

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As ever though - wait for some better reviews.

Lots of people moaning about issues that have yet to be proven, so above stands true, lets wait for proper reviews

One of the reviewers mentioned he took the phone from 100% battery to 4% battery in 6 hrs, but he did take 40 mins video, hammered the web, streamed content and played music. At first I was concerned, but then I tried to do that, my battery ran out and the phone switched itself off after 30 mins of video, so Im not worried.

No phone on the market will last a day with heavy use, it is the price of owning a smartphone...
Lots of people moaning about issues that have yet to be proven, so above stands true, lets wait for proper reviews

One of the reviewers mentioned he took the phone from 100% battery to 4% battery in 6 hrs, but he did take 40 mins video, hammered the web, streamed content and played music. At first I was concerned, but then I tried to do that, my battery ran out and the phone switched itself off after 30 mins of video, so Im not worried.

No phone on the market will last a day with heavy use, it is the price of owning a smartphone...

I would also add that the image stabiliser will use power too since it is an electronic system.

This is the first build of a new WP OS, you expect things not to be optimal at first. WinCE has been refined for 15 years or so. Give it a chance.

The CNET image looked like the camera hadn't focussed, again I'm sure this is either a bug or user error.
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Probably the HTC 8X.

Which has had excellent reviews and I'm very tempted by.

All these early reviews haven't put me off the 920, but they have made me pause for thought. I might give it a week or two when all the phones are on the market and I can go compare and play. Makes more sense than rushing in blind tbh.
Which has had excellent reviews and I'm very tempted by.

All these early reviews haven't put me off the 920, but they have made me pause for thought. I might give it a week or two when all the phones are on the market and I can go compare and play. Makes more sense than rushing in blind tbh.

It's worth remembering that the 920 is the best camera out of all of the WP8 handsets.

All of the reviews being critical of the 920 were comparing it against the iPhone 5.

Even the iPhone 5 camera has its problems, more purple haze than hendrix in sunlight.

So really you should be looking at buying an iPhone 5 if you want the "best" results. I'll reserve judgement until I have it in my hands, I'll compare it against my Canon 5D.

Some other points, the 920's aperture is wide at f2.0. This results in a shallower depth of field, so that only a small part of a scene will be in sharp focus. I'm not sure if this can be adjusted or if it is variable. But sharpness generally increases with a smaller aperture and the depth of field increases. Someone wanting to capture a scene of a long winding road would use a very small aperture, f16 or so. But would need a very bright day or a tripod.

As for battery life, screen brightness may have something to do with it.
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This is the first build of a new WP OS, you expect things not to be optimal at first. WinCE has been refined for 15 years or so. Give it a chance.

How many times must we give them a chance? They screwed up on WP 7 but this time they'll get it right, right? Add to this all the talk about how Nokia has had the hardware ready to go and they're just waiting on Microsoft, this doesn't look very ready to me.

To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement but with phones like the Nexus 4 coming out it becomes very hard to justify spending almost half a grand on this. Hopefully we'll have answers with some more reviews but it feels like I've been waiting forever for the 920 to live up to expectations.
How many times must we give them a chance? They screwed up on WP 7 but this time they'll get it right, right? Add to this all the talk about how Nokia has had the hardware ready to go and they're just waiting on Microsoft, this doesn't look very ready to me.

To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement but with phones like the Nexus 4 coming out it becomes very hard to justify spending almost half a grand on this. Hopefully we'll have answers with some more reviews but it feels like I've been waiting forever for the 920 to live up to expectations.

Which reviews were negative? they've all been around 4 out of 5.

The battery life thing is most likely down to the OS, so it doesn't matter which WP8 handset you get it will be much the same.

If you wanted an Android phone you'd have one already. Windows Phone 8 phones will get a guaranteed 18 months of support and updates. You won't get that on your Android phone.
How many times must we give them a chance? They screwed up on WP 7 but this time they'll get it right, right? Add to this all the talk about how Nokia has had the hardware ready to go and they're just waiting on Microsoft, this doesn't look very ready to me.

To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement but with phones like the Nexus 4 coming out it becomes very hard to justify spending almost half a grand on this. Hopefully we'll have answers with some more reviews but it feels like I've been waiting forever for the 920 to live up to expectations.

What did they screw up with on WP7? Its a 2 year old OS that is still being supported and updated. It had its issues the first 6 mnotha or so (such as lack of tethering) but other than that it didn't allow the spec chasers to get unneeded power.

As for the hardware being ready.... Two months ago Nokia were still showing around engineering samples, not final products. They needed to get enough phones produced before they could put them on general sale, I doubt there was much ro so with the OS being late (which is debatable as Q4 was always the release shedule..
There's a lot of rustled jimmies in this thread and I think most of it stems from the lack of availability of this phone. It happens every year with the iPhone, yet as soon as the phones start appearing in shops, getting delivered and in their hands the whinging disappears. I've bought iPhones "blind" for the last 5 years, so I'm happy to take a chance with Nokia. If worst comes to worse I sell it and pick up another device, no problem.
With the Google phone you get updates as they happen too.

I realise that, the Nexus being Google's own reference phone will get updates. But they haven't stated that you are guaranteed to get them for 18 months.

Microsoft is the only company to state this and it's obvious a result of what happened with WP7.

Nexus also will be raw Android, many people like the Samsung UI extensions and I imagine Google's version is a little more basic. Personally I prefer my OS to be as the original designer envisaged, but many don't.
Ok, so according to the P4U Facebook page;

Black and White sim-free will be available by Monday at the latest.

White version is locked to EE
Black is locked to EE, Orange and T-Mobile (hmmm)
Red and Yellow not available yet.
Which reviews were negative? they've all been around 4 out of 5.

They were very positive, it's clear they liked the device but think about it, we're not prepared to rely on them for things like the camera so why would you for much else? I consider them padding until somewhere else gets them.

The battery life thing is most likely down to the OS, so it doesn't matter which WP8 handset you get it will be much the same.

Wha? Of course it matters, otherwise they would just use the smallest, lightest battery possible.

If you wanted an Android phone you'd have one already. Windows Phone 8 phones will get a guaranteed 18 months of support and updates. You won't get that on your Android phone.

I've run on every platform (Android the least) and I can safely say my Nokia Windows phone got the least amount of updates and support. Right now both Windows Phone and Nokia have more to prove about how well they'll support their products than any other platform.

I like the Windows Phone design and there's a ton of incentives for me to stick with Windows Phone but you'd be a bit of a mug to just take it on blind faith everything is going to be fine.
What did they screw up with on WP7? Its a 2 year old OS that is still being supported and updated. It had its issues the first 6 mnotha or so (such as lack of tethering) but other than that it didn't allow the spec chasers to get unneeded power.

By Microsoft's own admission Windows Phone 7 was a dead end from the outset, yes it makes sense for them as a business to have done that (if for no other reason than to get apps into the store) but it's a pretty epic kick in the teeth to the consumer.

As for Nokia, the pricing and battery on the Lumia 800 on reflection were punishments rather than features. Yes this is more of a personal complaint but it should dispel the notion that we can just rely on these companies to make things right.

As for the hardware being ready.... Two months ago Nokia were still showing around engineering samples, not final products. They needed to get enough phones produced before they could put them on general sale, I doubt there was much ro so with the OS being late (which is debatable as Q4 was always the release shedule..

Sounds entirely possible.
Phoned the local T-Mobile, Orange and Phones4U and none of them have any idea when this is coming out, apparently they've heard nothing. They know nothing about the price either.

Quite a fail of a launch.
How people can make a judgement based on 1 or 2 dodgy looking reviews of a camera is beyond me. Wait for the device to get out and see what the reviews are like then...

Better yet go to a shop and try it for yourself - if you like it then great!

Personally the camera would be the reason i would go for this device IF it is worth it. I love WP as it works best for me. If the camera on this isn't anything special then i'll save the money and go for the 820 or HTC.
Phoned the local T-Mobile, Orange and Phones4U and none of them have any idea when this is coming out, apparently they've heard nothing. They know nothing about the price either.

Quite a fail of a launch.

As I said previously, P4U Facebook have said they will be available Monday at the latest (tomorrow earliest) for £449 sim-free. White is locked to EE. Black takes EE/Orange/T-Mobile sims. Red and Yellow "coming soon." You can't buy them direct from Orange and T-Mobile, so why you phoned them is a bit of a fail in itself. It's exclusive to EE and P4U, as said from the beginning.
Wha? Of course it matters, otherwise they would just use the smallest, lightest battery possible.

What I'm saying is if you have two WP8 devices with 2000mAH then they are very likely to have similar battery life.

Windows Phone 8 has very strict hardware requirements and as a result the 920 and 8x are using the same processors. There's very little room for one device to be significantly better than another. The OS handles power management, this typically tries to determine when the device is idle and slows the CPU clock speed down or shuts down elements of the device that aren't needed (ie. GPU).

I've run on every platform (Android the least) and I can safely say my Nokia Windows phone got the least amount of updates and support. Right now both Windows Phone and Nokia have more to prove about how well they'll support their products than any other platform.

Number of updates isn't important, it is the amount of improvements they bring. Only had the Lumia 800 a few months and it's had some big updates.

I like the Windows Phone design and there's a ton of incentives for me to stick with Windows Phone but you'd be a bit of a mug to just take it on blind faith everything is going to be fine.

It all comes down to your opinion of Google, my opinion of them is quite negative. Even the brand they're using (Nexus) is stolen from Blade Runner (or the original Philip K Dick novel).

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