****The Official Note III Thread****

Nobody said it's ever easy first time round :p

Mobilecashmate still have their £245 price for recycling the Note 2 on its own. I will remove the local ad and go that route. So many time wasters and actually recycling works out a better deal as I will just sell the accessories I have.
I just checked the XDA thread:

It does say in big red letters:
You MUST keep your Region Code (XXU... or ZHU...), check your FW before flashing!!
DO NOT FLASH FW's from other regions, it WILL fail in Odin!

Tsk Tsk Spit ;)

Downloading and keeping safe until later today ;o
This is what it looks like now...


Is that the same as everyone else's or updated?
Didn't have a problem with recycling before (ASDA)! Although no idea what mobilecashmate are like :o
Really? I've always even wary of selling phones there though as people do tend to try it on unfortunately. I can make up the differenc after selling the accessories though so it's not too bad going the recycling route.
If you need me to I don't mind selling it for you on the bay, I have 945 feedback.

Just need photos and description, then I put your email address in for payment.

Just an idea. Got my HTC One on there right now.

davedbfb is my id.
Ah I have lots of feedback so no need to go through all the trouble of on your part dude although cheers for the offer!

I suppose I have 10 or so days to sell for the quoted price on recycle anyway so if I put it on eBay on a 5 or 7 day auction and it sells for more just the phone boxed with sd card I have spare then awesome.

Alright I'll do it!

Also I have the Note 3 in my hands :p The Woman sitting in the chair being dealt with by another person was looking surprised. I was in and out within 5 mins :o
I can already tell you I much prefer the Note 2 spen, this new one doesn't feel as comfortable in the fingers because it's 4 sided whereas the old spen has 3 sides and fits nicer.

The rest will be decided over the next day or two :)

Well I say 3 sided but it's 3.5 since the outer side is curved.
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