Under NDA so can't say much but there are some big players who are getting plenty of press that are working with nvidia. Spoke to one engineer from an unamed company working of ADAS and he was extremely excited about drive PX2 and Nvidia deep learning software.
Auto OEMS like to have multiple providers, they rarely go exclusive. For map data one model year might have one provder, the next model year has a different, the next year yet another, heck different models within the sqme yesr couks use duffetebt suppliets. When looking at CPU solutions the OEMS are mostly looking at costs, if Qualcomm is $5 cheaper and meets minimum spec then they will get the deal. Althoigh it shpuld ne noted NV ate doing much more thsn hardware, their software solutions is part of their value add which others ignore.
I can say is last yearn nVida were no where to be seen at CES automotive, now they have a giant booth slap bang next to Ford. Their booth was packed with senior Toyota honda, chevy GM, autoliv, samsung, etc. execs. They are providing several OEMS with hardware I can't discuss.
Its true NV are proving hardware to several OEMS but a lot of that hardware has a competitor chip on doing the ADAS (instead of Tegra). Audi being an example they used a NVidia solution which was really powered by a competitor chip not Tegra. NVidia dropped the competitor chip and Audi appear to have dropped NVidia going forward. From what I can see most of NVidia deals are from using the competitor chip. There own solutions without the competitor chip isn't doing very well.
NV still have a few things going forward from the old pipeline but they have been losing key deals over the past year. I know 1 competitor that won 22 of the top 25 OEMs across 252 models and is expected to have 75%-80% of the value of the global ADAS market for the next 5-7 years. Others competitor have won deals as well not leaving much market left for NVidia. Just look at the car hardware NVidia have a 250watt liquid cooled solution against the competitor’s using 3 watt that doesn’t need liquid cooling.