I loved the fanboy excuse of Nvidia didn't show real Pascal cores as they would have very few working samples as if that was a genuine excuse.
Break that down a bit, if they have cores back that means they would have made a run of likely min 5 wafers, probably 10 or 20. If you have so few cores working you can't spare one for a big game conference you have a major problem with low yields which would effect when you can launch. Regardless of if you have high or low yields... you will have multiple dead Pascal chips because that is the nature of silicon production. With multiple dead chips they somehow couldn't stick some dead ones on a PX2 pcb to make a realistic final card(though non working) to show up on stage? The only inference to be made from showing non Pascal chips but claiming they were Pascal is that they don't have Pascal silicon back yet.
If they had wafers of Pascal back they have zero excuse not to show a real Pascal on stage. The competition doesn't learn anything from seeing a chip on a board, except if it's real or not. If they had Pascal back from the fab they would definitely have ample chips, working or not, to stick on a card and parade around a trade show.
Sticking a couple maxwell chips on a pascal PCB shows how desperate and far behind they are.