What AMD didn't do was show final production GPUs to members of the pubilic, just like nvidia didnt do.
You keep saying stuff like this along with specifically stating neither has given out more information than the other. It's illogical and daft, you're trying to use the fact that neither did one thing as proof they have given the same information.
You may as well say neither AMD nor NVidia have produced a 3nm gpu, thus they have given out the same amount of information... using something they didn't do to attempt to ignore what people are saying AMD have said that Nvidia haven't isn't a sensible argument. You're trying to divert attention which is the absolute proof AMD have given out more information which is what everyone is saying.
At this stage all we know is it looks like AMD is on schedule to release at least small Polaris in Q3.
You made that up, nothing says AMD is going to release small Polaris in Q3, nothing at all. Once again you just state something attempting to not sound negative but using false information. AMD 100% haven't released a schedule for release so you can't in any way claim what you've just said. Every single indication is that small Polaris is within 3 months of launching and that both the small and medium Polaris will be shipping to OEMs by maybe late June at the latest. To be in back to school laptops, OEMs need final gpus shipped in mass 2+ months before the start of that period which is pretty much August in America which is generally the market all companies use as the basis for 'back to school' season.
Nvidia are on track to release pascal based solution for auto above on track in Q4. We know absolutely nothing about pascal based GPUs for gamers or large Polaris. There is not a shred of evidence that either are delayed or have production issues,
No one anywhere has claimed there is evidence of delays or production issues. You're denying a claim no one has made rather than talk about what people have said... deflecting/distracting again. Also we do know about large Polaris, AMD have categorically stated 2 gpus for 2016, therefore large Polaris is 2017... that is hardly nothing.
Too many people erroneously deducting that pascal is delayed because AMD has demoed a working Polaris chip. If AMD could magically sabotage Nvidia's production they would be the richest company on the planet.
More deflecting, no one has claimed a delay for Nvidia, nor has anyone suggested AMD could sabotage Nvidia production. Rather than addressing points actually made, you come up with complete BS then act like you're being sensible by knocking it down.
In the real world outside conspiracy theory and magic what AMD has or hasn't shown has absolutely zero bearing on Nvidia's production readiness. If we are going to make wild baseless conjectures then I'll say since blind 3-legged dogs can't fly a Boeing 787 and the sky is blue then Nvidia will not be delayed. That is just as meaningful extrapolation as what people are postulating here.
Again, all made up, no conspiracy theory, no baseless conjecture about Nvidia being delayed, more complete nonsense from you.
Pascal for gaming may or may not be delayed, no one knows, There isn't any evidence one way or the other.when evidence appears that nvidia are failing to fulfill their compute contracts, or rumors of a necessary re-spin, or Nvidia switching to samsung due to TSMC failure etc. Then we can start debating a possible delay.
Once again, no one has talked about delays except for you.
You do understand right, that saying that TSMC are 3-6 months behind Samsung in production doesn't mean a delay, and it doesn't mean a delay for Nvidia. Can you find anyone in this thread claiming Nvidia have faced delays? Or is your entire rambling nonsensical, conspiracy theory, sabotage post simply because you can't understand that saying Nvidia will bring parts 3-6 months later because TSMC are 3-6 months behind Samsung isn't a delay?