Poll: The Official OcUK EU Referendum Exit poll (and results discussion thread)

How did you vote in the EU Referendum?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 861 53.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 763 47.0%

  • Total voters
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As much as I wasn't a huge fan of Cameron, he was a lot less extreme his potential replacements which we will suffer for the remainder of the current government term. Off the back of this referendum and the correlation with the support for a UKIP-minded ideology throughout, I'm convinced we are going to have a long succession of right wing politicians running our country for the foreseeable. This makes me uncomfortable.
Some decisions in life go your way some don't, to all the whinging remain voters, front up and accept the decision. So you lost, big deal.

It's exactly the smug elitist advice you'd be giving us leavers if we'd lost!

See it as an opportunity for forge a new future for our country and Europe instead of being all defeatist about it.


I didn't like it when Blair/Brown/Cameron won in the GE, but I got on with it. Democracy IS democracy.

In this referendum the people have clearly spoken. The result must be respected with out all the pathetic name calling and whining from some remain people.
That's quite a predicament you guys find yourselves in.

It must be quite a strange feeling not really knowing what the future will be like.

I for one would not have voted leave because Britain was such a strong economy and looked like it always had a bright future ahead.

Being in the unknown and not knowing if you will be worse or better off will really start to worry more people as the reality of the vote start to kicks in I imagine.

It is rather a strange.

You would have thought even though remain were very confident of a vote in their favour they would have planned for the worse.

For instance, who would resign, what timescale etc. Then have taken this to Europe and said in the event of a Brexit, how are we going to work out the timeline, how to do it in a way that people, particular expats and EU workers are not scared etc.

Very little information coming out.

I didn't like it when Blair/Brown/Cameron won in the GE, but I got on with it. Democracy IS democracy.

In this referendum the people have clearly spoken. The result must be respected with out all the pathetic name calling and whining from some remain people.

I respect the decision of the UK people and certainly haven't called anyone who voted for leave names.

I do however reserve my right to post in this thread about how I think it is a very bad idea/decision though.

To me all the pro leave people posting things like the above are just getting a bit upset about hearing some home truths about what a bad decision it might have been..

So enough with the silencing/censoring thanks :)

We are all allowed our say. Would much prefer to hear actual positive reasons for why leave is a good thing than posts like this saying "deal with it".
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Why? He's from a minority party and is a very divisive figure... UKIP no longer has a purpose, he should retire happy that he's achieved his aims. I wouldn't like to see him as a regular politician, I think there are better candidates.

Uncle dowrie! I told you we would do it! :D
A little snippet in one of the BBC articles mentioned that we could end up leaving the EU but still retaining free movement of workers with EU states. So we could end up out but still retain all the Immigration...
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