Again - If we can't handle 0.5%+ immigrants every year, we have more problems than immigration to handle. Every country in the world should strive to handle 0.5% immigration every year.
Yeh, lets ignore actual numbers and logic and do everything on sentiment.
Leaving the EU and slowing down the UK economy for an uncertain period of time, reduces the tax revenue the government gets.
The NHS doesn't operate on the basis of having empty slots and spare capacity. Having doctors standing around doing nothing, just in case you need an appointment tomorrow, is a waste of money.
Oversubscribed schools will always be that, always have been. When your kids can't get a school place at all, come back to me.
It's time this stopped too. Just because he has an opinion doesn't mean we all need to hear it.
Every time I hear the word 'count' I can't help saying in my head "One ha ha ha, two ha ha ha, three ha ha ha". The Count would love elections but we would have to wait years for the result.
Nothing between them. I dislike farage intensely but Carswell is hardly a shining light.Douglas Carswell turning on Nige now.
Someone check he doesn't have a pencil rubber on him!
Paddy's back! Yay!
I wish I could take a picture to show everyone how transparent the process is.