Poll: The Official OcUK EU Referendum Exit poll (and results discussion thread)

How did you vote in the EU Referendum?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 861 53.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 763 47.0%

  • Total voters
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I voted to Leave.

Politics should be about serving the People, not the Banks and Corporates. The way this has been handled by BOTH sides shows how much contempt they have for the General Population. It was a tiny chance for the little guy to say a big '**** YOU!' but we all bottled it as we are all too scared of 'Change' because they scared us with what 'Might' happen if we didn't do as they told us, this alone for me shows how much change is actually needed. We have made a rod for our own back if we stay or if we leave. We're screwed either way.
Oh mate, i'm not bothered about table 1 and all that blah blah.

I'm a warehouse manager at Nissan UK and all i know is that it takes me over a week to get a doctors appointment and my kids can't get a school place in the 3 schools we've tried for. Bring everyone over by all means, but we need to build an infrastructure to accommodate our every increasing population ....

Yeh, lets ignore actual numbers and logic and do everything on sentiment.

Leaving the EU and slowing down the UK economy for an uncertain period of time, reduces the tax revenue the government gets.

The NHS doesn't operate on the basis of having empty slots and spare capacity. Having doctors standing around doing nothing, just in case you need an appointment tomorrow, is a waste of money.

Oversubscribed schools will always be that, always have been. When your kids can't get a school place at all, come back to me.
We have Around 350'000 immigrants enter the UK every year - That's around 0.5% of the UK populations - If we can't handle 0.5% of immigrants every year, we have a bigger problem than just handling immigrants. That's a fairly standard percentage in comparison to other countries.


Lol @ the Gibraltar votes :p Who votes Leave in Gibraltar :p

And in 10 years with 3.5m more mouths to feed and shelter.

Hopefully the government will look at shoring up the infrastructure if we remain otherwise it'll be worse in 10 years time
I find this whole referendum comical anyway because regardless of the result the EU is inevitably going to collapse in short order (talking a few more decades) anyway.
To me people that vote 'leave' largely fit the poorly-/un- -educated/-skilled/-employed demographic. I havent seen much that dissuades me from that initial opinion.

I do think a third further option of considering membership of EFTA might have been a sensible offer of a compromise.

ps3ud0 :cool:

Well that just shows what a bigot you are and shows what contempt you hold for others. No different to the contempt those at the top and in the EU have for us all.
Farage is a classic soundbite politician, throwing out baseless statistics. See no appeal in the man and I voted leave.

He's a very strange man. It's like he's programmed to talk in clichés and 3 sentences at a time.

He has no charisma at all, he just repeats and loops non stop.
Oh mate, i'm not bothered about table 1 and all that blah blah.

I'm a warehouse manager at Nissan UK and all i know is that it takes me over a week to get a doctors appointment and my kids can't get a school place in the 3 schools we've tried for. Bring everyone over by all means, but we need to build an infrastructure to accommodate our every increasing population ....

This is a local government failure, leaving the EU won't change that.
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