oh dear lord.
that isn't going to happen, we aren't going to be able to put a single penny of that, back into such things.
not only was the figure used in the campaign an utterly lie,
we now have to massively expand government to be able to do multiple deals.
then ontop of that we will have to pay for such deals.
for example Norway pays basically the same per head into the Eu as we currently do for access to the single market, as well as having to accept free movement.
and tahts before you take into account the inevitable insecurity and drop in the market and pound.
as we inport far more than we export, any drop is bad. despite what so many people say. we can export more so drop in pound is good. we aren't going to suddenly start exporting more than we import.
The farm subsidy comes off the gross 350m, it is the remainder we actually pay to the EU, 170m which makes us one of the larger nett contributors to the EU.
Yes the reduced exchange rate and share price may be a temporary burden but markets will be markets and will level off soon