I'm ashamed to say I'm in the out but now regret it camp, I think there are probably a hell of a lot more of us too...
Yes, you're far from alone.
I'm ashamed to say I'm in the out but now regret it camp, I think there are probably a hell of a lot more of us too...
Hopefully there is a second vote
48% of 72% of people voted only equals roughly 34-35% of UK populace actually voted to leave. Also the fact that Nigel Farage went on record to say the big red bus stating £350million to the NHS was a "mistake" people are ****ed off... and a lot of people who vote to leave and now regretting that vote ( NOT ALL... just some ) probably enough to swing the vote the other way.
You also have that a lot of people who would have been quite happy to remain simply didnt vote.
AND you have people who are bitter about the result.
[FnG]magnolia;29687469 said:Unless I've missed something though, that's it - decision made, game over, wonder where it all went wrong. The EU want the UK out and quickly (not sure Article 50 demands up to 2 years or just allows for it) and there appear to be no second chances.
Typical english leaver voters:
In Barnsley, 70% of the population voted to leave the European Union.
In their own words, here’s why.
It now has 955,394 signatures, MPs that support Remain far outweigh the ones that dont, very like this could be pushed through.
Is that in the same way a lot of the Leave voters on here knew they would never win the vote? (Because the 'establishment' wouldn't let it happen)
You don't know that at all, you may think it, but that is far far from reality
I'm sorry and I don't want to appear rude, but that is just tin foil hat thinking.
The magic £350m didn't exist. Not only did the EU pile money back into the UK (they're funding the regeneration of Hull like they did Liverpool, and we've all seen the Cornish appeal to the UK government in lieu of the EU standing payment) but we already had a rebate in place that reduces the initial payment by a third and has done since the 80s.
We will see won't we?
I would have voted remain if the EU wasn't so stubborn on immigration. The current model is not sustainable and what are your views on fixing that if we voted remain?
The suggestion is you can freely move to another country with a condition you had a strong job offer low or high skilled.
Freedom of travel to other EU countries would not be affected but I think time limits on visiting those countries should be introduced.
Freedom of study in other EU countries works to be fair.
Interesting that the poll on this thread is to remain, did any other poll prior to the vote come to that conclusion?
Has a choice been made by a protest vote?
So far Ford and Airbus are talking of job losses, Morgan Stanley say they will move 2000 jobs to Europe. The pound plummeted, shares plummeted. France want to open the flood gates at Calais releasing all the refugees/immigrants. The UK credit rating has been cut, interest rates to rise?
Farage says the Leave campaign lied over the so called £350 million, Boris now wants to cool down and be friends with Europeans. Europe want us gone quickly, Scotland want to split again.
Graphics cards have risen in price, petrol, I'm sure, will follow.
Employers with large groups of EU workers are having to deal with distraught staff.
Wales realises it was actually a beneficiary of the EU, Cornwall asks for more money.
I know those may all be short term effects but I find them a bit worrying, can anyone come up with a ray of sunshine to make me feel better?
I think it's min 2 max 6 years to do the negotiations to leave
I'm ashamed to say I'm in the out but now regret it camp, I think there are probably a hell of a lot more of us too...
my crystal ball tells me that once a new PM is sworn in, he/she will call a general election before invoking article 50, then one of their campaign pleges will be to not invoke article 50 and stay im the EU
could they do that or would the EU just kick us out in 2 years anyway?
No, it's clearly evident a lot of those who voted leave simply had no idea what they were voting for and the consequences, with a lot of it only kicking in after the results.
The most common reason for people voting leave was they somehow thought it would control immigration and stop 'migrants' from taking their jobs which is absurd, or thinking they will be better off with British independence somewhat, without fully understanding the consequences of an EU exit.
Hopefully that petition is passed in parliament and we have a 2nd referendum vote.