Poll: The Official OcUK EU Referendum Exit poll (and results discussion thread)

How did you vote in the EU Referendum?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 861 53.0%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 763 47.0%

  • Total voters
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So how are people feeling now about an EEA membership deal?

It's the best possible outcome we can hope for now. We would get to keep our EU passports and it would result in the least possible harm to the UK economy. We'd end up in a much worse position than if we'd stayed in, but at least the harm would be moderated.

On the other hand, I think a solid proportion of Leave voters would feel betrayed by any deal that includes free movement and that would feed into the ugly mood of anti-politics in the UK.
The Leave fear campaign was based on two main lies:

* 'Immigrants will steal your job, and your neighbourhood will be filled with hordes of Muslim darkies because something something open borders out of control. Also, terrorists something fake asylum seekers, something something. Because of reasons.'

* 'The EU is collapsing and it will take us with it unless we get out now.'

Boris Johnson invoked the spectres of Napoleon and Hitler in his anti-EU interview with the Sunday Telegraph, which just goes to show the depths to which Leave campaigners were prepared to sink.

Let's be fair, the remain was:

* World War 3 will begin
* You are racists
* You will lose your jobs
* You will lose your homes

Maybe if both parties came up with some intelligent facts then it might have been different. Truth is, it's change and no one is sure what will happen.
If you get an education or have marketable skills and a job to go to you'll still be able to live and work in any of those 27 countries.

It really is time for remain to give up project fear. Come join us Leavers who are now working toward project hope instead.

As an aside I'm young, I voted leave, I know a huge number of young people who also voted leave, many of them with degrees. Please stop trying to paint this as a generation thing, no one has any way of truly knowing how certain demographics voted other than polls and we've all seen how well they work.

So does that mean there will be some kind of free movement of people negotiated, similar to what we have now? Great!;)

Otherwise I'd have to question if you've ever actually been through or known anyone that's had to go through an immigration process for another country not in the EU. Aside from costing thousands and taking a minimum of 6 months to 2 years it's not just a requirement to have "some marketable skills"... The one potential part where that does count is the working holiday visas which have their own set of pitfalls.

It's not fear, like much of what the experts have been saying (I'm not clashing myself in that group however) if it's the most likely scenario. It sounds again like many people have voted without actually realizing all the consequences...

And the point is there is a significant generational gap. No, not everyone in X age group voted y, but statistically more people would have.
So how are people feeling now about an EEA membership deal?

I don't feel it's the right option for the UK and in particular the assumption that free movement of people will continue will feel like a betrayal for many Leave voters. That said, I would still accept it so long as it were fully and properly debated in parliament.
That's a very certain assumption you're making. How do you know who the people are? They're anonymous.

Look at the demographics of the voting. If it is bright yellow(BBC style) then they will feel more strongly about it, just like dark blue.

Yes, there will be kids who don't understand how great and respected this country is(the EU may well fall apart because of this), but by in large the rich wanted to stay with the status quo, they have no reason to be pleased with the outcome, it doesn't give them more money, they are passionate about one thing, it isn't about Britain for them, it is about money.

I know people from both extreme sides of the spectrum.
They opted to do whatever is required to get us out of the EU. When you are desperate to provoke an extreme change on a population, it's often the only way to pull it off.

It's not morally right, but the outcome may lead us to a better future.

Wow. You're condoning a lie propagated by a ruling class and voted for by a working class, the outcome of which will see the working class even more ****ed by the ruling class?

If you look at the facts of the matter, the only thing the Leave campaign managed to achieve is an acting out, they managed to throw a hissy fit and "get their way".

Immigration-wise, this doesn't really change anything. Most immigrants weren't from the EU anyway, and they won't stop EU migration either because without freedom of movement the treaties the UK would sign would be so economically onerous it would make even the most staunch Leavers re-assess their position. As for the refugees, they weren't getting in either.

Economically, what did they gain? Look at the pound, that says it all.

Actually, the number of non-EU immigrants will increase as the EU retreat. And since non-EU ones have less education/skills, that means more pressure on low pay, low skilled jobs. The ones who overwhelmingly voted out.

Remember yesterday because it will go down in history as a monument of stupidity.
More than likely people trying to bolster the numbers by voting multiple times on it from the same location.

Of course, they'll spend days doing it. The vote is done, Cameron said there won't be another vote, the EU want us out like yesterday, they can make up as many usernames as they like.
not sure if this has already been mentioned as this threads pretty fast moving, but have we heard anything from IDS "the quiet man" recently?
he seemed very pro leave a few months ago, not seen a word from him since
Actually, the number of non-EU immigrants will increase as the EU retreat. And since non-EU ones have less education/skills, that means more pressure on low pay, low skilled jobs. The ones who overwhelmingly voted out.

Remember yesterday because it will go down in history as a monument of stupidity.

Do you mean in proportion to the EU immigrants? I don't see why it would increase otherwise.
look. Like it or not. We have to work together now.

Tbh at the moment part of me is quite happy to sit the other side of the pond and spend the next few years saying "We told you so!"... Every time this decision causes even more problems.:p

Yes, childish but that's the only way the general public will learn...;)

Unfortunately the majority of me really doesn't want my home country to throw everything it's worked for in my lifetime and before into the bin.
Just to remind ourselves that this was the main argument used by the totally-not-xenophobic-or-racist-honest-guv-ask-anyone-who-knows-me-I-even-have-a-black-friend Leave campaign:

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