I wrote this more as a catharsis today with no real intention to post anywhere. But below are my feelings after yesterday.
An open letter to our parliamentary representatives.
I am not writing this to complain or argue in regards to the outcome of the European referendum. The result is, what it is and we must come together as a country to try and make the best of it we can, however people voted we are all in this together. This may be the best thing to happen to our country in years, or not, I am personally undecided.
The reason for this letter is to express my utter dismay in the way that this campaign was managed and run. As a referendum it is for the electorate to make a decision on the issue that has been referred to them.
As our duly elected representatives it was/is your duty to impart upon us the information that we need to make a fair and reasoned decision, on the basis on what we decided was best for ourselves, our families, communities and country as a whole. In this duty you have categorically and catastrophically failed. It was not for you to 'win' or 'lose'. It was not for you to convince and cajole people to your way of thinking. It certainly was not for you to threaten, scare and outright lie to manipulate the electorate into voting for what you thought was right.
In the first 24 hours since the results of the referendum, I've seen much information come forth from many parties and places that would have been useful and informative to allow the people of this nation to make their decisions.
The people that ran and represented the leave and remain campaigns ought to be ashamed of themselves, and really have a long think about what they believe democracy should be. Your actions and the way you ran your campaigns set a tone of hatred and fear that dominated this whole process, and I believe was directly responsible for the tragic loss of Jo Cox.
Just to be clear, this is not about the result, this is about the method and process that is supposed to inform and assist the people of this nation, but instead only made things harder by surrounding any facts with spin, rhetoric and lies.
I’ve no doubt that we as a nation can get through the uncertainty and whatever may come over the following days, months and years. We will continue as we always have, and prosper.
The only reason that my heart is heavy, is the appalling actions that both sides of this debate have taken to obfuscate and manipulate the populous. We are a better people than that, our representatives should be above that base level of politicking as well.
We suffer and prosper together. We all want what is best for us all, we all deserve better than we have been treated thus far.