If it's your first mech board I'd recommend a Cherry G80 clicky board, which can be had for £60 off a well known site. IMO blue switch boards feel the most different and black/red the least, compared to rubber dome. And in a good way!
Sure lots of people like black switches, but when people buy them as their first mech board I feel that they're not getting the full experience of a mech board. So imo it's best to go blue first then if you really don't like it, try something like brown or black. Lot's of people will say brown is the safest route to go down for your 1st mech board but I don't entirely agree. People will also tell you blues and browns are the same apart from the clicky noise.. Not true with the boards I've used at least.
There's a lot more experienced people than me though over on GeekHack or Deskthority.