I had some issues with Safari crashing. Since downloading flash from the adobe site, all is fine now.
I have also had Traktor Pro 2 crash on me too ,hopefully there will be a stability update for all the crashing soon.
Apple are getting more and more like Windows now that they are feeding a larger market.
Is there a way to get iLife back from the App store instead of having to dig out my old install discs?
Plus I dislike the fact that I have to share my two Apple ID's with it, why they won't allow people to merge IDs is annoying, doesn't feel unified when you have to remember what program has which ID signed in to it. (iTunes, iTunes Match, GameCentre are my hotmail, and contacts/calendars/reminders/notes are @me.com).
Is there a way to get iLife back from the App store instead of having to dig out my old install discs?
Anyone know the best way to make it so that a three finger click on a link opens in a new tab? Is there a Safari extension?
I use BetterTouchTool so I can create my own gestures on a per app basis.
I'd also like to be able to close a tab by middle clicking it when I am using my mouse. Would this app manage that aswell?
Yes. That's my most used gesture with BTT. Middle click close tabs and open links and same on the trackpad 3 finger tap = middle click.
Wait do you mean in Safari? I think the closest you can get is adding the gesture CMD + W to the middle click. That's one of the main things that keeps me using Chrome.
First Impressions - seems okay.
Why on earth did they remove the Time remaining option from the battery icon in the menu bar? Grrr.